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Harry's POV

Once I walked out of her house And made sure the door was locked and regretted it. I shouldn't have left. I just can't let her know what happened when I was little.

I got in my car and drove home. I climbed into my bed and just couldn't sleep all I could think about was Lexie. She was different. She didn't make me feel the need to have sex with her like other girls. She made me feel the need to stay with her, protect her.

Lex's POV

I woke up the next morning smiling. I climbed out of bed and jumped in the shower. I climbed out and didn't feel like doing anything special so I pulled on my sweats and pulled my wet hair in a bun.

I grabbed my car keys and drove to school.

I walked into school and found my friends and talked to them.

I seen James walk up next to me and sit down next to me. "I forgive you." He whispered in my ear. "I understand you are on your monthly and you are emotional." He grabbed my side and kissed me. I pulled away and he squeezed my sides hard. "Kiss me back." He whispered aggressively in my ear.

I stood up quickly and walked quickly away. I heard him chasing after me and I could feel all the weird looks my friends were giving me. I seen harry walking into the school so I walked up to him quickly.

Harry looked at me than at James behind me. I stood behind Harry and looked at the evil look James was giving me and harry both.

"Why the hell are you always around my fucking girlfriend?" James screamed at Harry.

"Because you don't fucking deserve her." Harry spit back "you treat her like shit."

"I treat her how she deserves to be treated."

"So she deserves to be hit and pushed in front of cars."

"Yes cause she's a bitch, and a slut and she's fucking ugly." Harry lurched at James after he barely finished his sentence. Harry punched James in the face and James pushed him back into me. I fell down and harry quickly got off of me. I get my self being lifted up by a junior girl. I looked up and there was a ton of people surrounding us. I pushed through the group of people to see harry take one punch to the face. I ran in and grabbed Harry's arm he looked back at me and climbed off of James.

"Harry office now!" The principal yelled at harry. Than she kneeled down next to James and helped him up.

I walked into the office with harry. He had one little spot on his cheek that looked like it might turn into a bruise but James looked much worse.

"I don't get how he could ever hurt someone as beautiful as you." Harry grabbed my hand. "What happened before you ran over to me?"

"He sat down and whispered mean stuff in my face than he kissed me." He looked deep in my eyes. "I pulled away and he squeezed my side really hard and demanded that I kiss him." He scowled. He lifted my shirt to reveal a Hand size bruises on my side.

"You look beautiful today by the way." He smiled at me.

"I really don't." I leaned into him.

"Yeah you do." He rubbed his hand up and down my arm.

The door of the principal office opened to reveal the principal and James. James had a ice pack over him eye.

"Come on harry." She pointed his finger. James walked by us and sat down in the seats on the other side of the office scowling at Harry and I.

"She's coming too." Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him.

"So tell me what happened."

We told her the whole story and she looked worried.

"You guys are gonna be suspended for today u can come back next week. I'm gonna send you guys to the councilor cause I recommend you break up with him."

"Why is Lexie suspended?"

"I didn't think you would want her to be here without you."


"Okay go next door and I'll send James in."


We walked into mrs. Jackson's room we sat down right next to each other. James and mrs. Jackson walked in together.

"Go ahead Lexie." Mrs. Jackson spoke.

"James I'm breaking up with you." I whispered quietly.

"Lex I love you." He spoke

"No you don't." Harry yelled "you hit her all the damn time you don't respect her. You don't deserve her."

"Harry please calm down." Mrs Jackson spoke

"You don't love her." James spoke

"But I... , care and respect her a lot, way more than you do."

"To hell you do. Lex you are not breaking up with me.. Come on let's go." He stood up and held out his hands.

"I'm not leaving with you." I looked at my hands and picked the skin around them.

"She's leaving with me." Harry stood up and so did I.

We walked out of the school and to my car. "Didn't you drive here?"

"Yeah I'm gonna ride with you. We can get my car later."

"Okay." I handed him my keys and climbed into the passenger seat.

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