The school

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Harry's POV.

The dreaded school. I hate this torturous school ever since I moved from London I've had to go to this boring school where I know barely any guys.. I know a lot of the girls.. Really good... I'm pretty good looking so yeah I've slept with a lot of girls..

I moved from London last year by my self, I left my mom and sister in London. I never really knew my dad well cause her left when I was 8 years old. I'm now 18 and am a senior in high school.

The last hour bell rang and I ran down the stairs to the exit of the school. I climbed into my car and I pulled out of my parking spot. I was driving out of the lot when a fat guy pushed this good looking girl out In front of me, I slammed on my breaks. I don't know if I hit her or not. I rushed out of my car

"What the hell." I yelled at the fat dude.

"Don't worry dude she's fine."

"I could have ran her over.. My car would have killed her."

"That blood would have been on your hands not mine.."

I kneeled down next to the girl who was sitting still in front of my car looking at the guy crying.

"Are you okay." I asked her with my hand on her back..

"Yeah." she started to get up and I helped her up.

"Do you want a ride home?" I asked her with my hand still on her back.

"No it's fine. I'll take her home." the fat boy spoke.

"I got it." I scowled and ran my hand through my curly brown hair.

"Thanks." she whispered as we were walking back to my car.

"It's okay. Are you sure you are alright?" I looked into her blue eyes.

"I'm fine." She climbed in my car.

"Do you wanna go back to my place? And hang out."

"I should really get home. Maybe some other time."

I pulled into her drive way after she showed me the way.

"Thanks for taking me home."

"Anytime, and if you don't mind me asking who is that guy that shoved you?"

"My boyfriend."

"Why did he push you?"

"Cause I was being stupid." She said as my blood boiled.

"That's not right. He should never put his hands on you."

"It's fine it's happened before but it's my fault." She looked at her hands that were carefully placed in her lap.

"No it's really not, but I don't think I caught your name."

"I'm Lexie, what's your name."

"I'm harry styles." I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it and she giggled.

"We'll I better get going. Thanks for taking me home." She waved and got out.

I watched her walk up to her house and I drove away.

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