Love? Like?

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A week later.

"Let's go to a party."

"Yeah" I smiled at him

"Get ready it's starts in a hour."

I walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I got out of the shower. I blow dried my hair and curled it.

I pulled on my tight cocktail dress and strapped up my heels.

"Ready?" Harry walked into the bathroom.


When we got to the part we walked together into the party full of well dressed teenagers.

"I'm gonna get us a drink I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead.

I sat down close to where harry left me cause this really isn't my sene.

After about 20 minutes of waiting I got up to find harry. I walked to what seemed to be a kitchen. A kid with glasses handed me a drink but I knew better than to drink it.

I walked in the kitchen and seen harry sitting on the counter with a skimpy blonde girl sitting between his legs and they were making out.

I dropped the cup on the ground and the glass shattered. Harry and the girl both looked at me. I turned away so they wouldn't see the tears. I pushed through the ton of people and out into the cold air.

"Lex, lex wait." I hear him scream behind me.

I sat down on a bench realizing harry had my keys.

He sat down next to me "What's wrong?"


"Lex really?"

"I just." I paused "I thought."

"You thought I was gonna stick to just you." He snickered

"No." I put my head down.

"Are you that stupid? I'm not gonna stick to you. I'm not that type of guy."

"Oh." I played with my hands in my lap.

"I think i love you." I whispered

"We'll I don't love you."

"Harry." I whispered through my tears.

"Go Lexie." He yelled "just leave don't look back!"

He handed me my keys and I took them and ran.

Him (Harry styles)Where stories live. Discover now