❝ knock knock ❞ - Lily x Bellatrix

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Pairing ;; Starry Flower (another lame name)
Little ;; Bellatrix (23)
Caregiver ;; Lily, Alice (21)
AU ;; Marauders
TW ;; Homophobia mentions


Knock! Knock!

"Lily! Go answer the door!"her roommate Alice yelled.

"Why can't you do it?"Lily retorted sleepily.

"It's an ungodly hour of the morning, I rather you go face the Death Eater. I'm too pretty to die."

"Oh wow, such a lovely friend I have..."she grumbled sarcastically, clambering out of her bed and pulling her shorts on.

"You're welcome~! I try,"Alice chirped. The sandy haired witch sighed and turned over in bed.

Lily rolled her eyes and grabbed her wand from her nightstand and uttered a soft "Lumos."

Knock! Knock!

"I'm coming...."Lily snapped as she made her way to the door.

When she opened the door of their apartment, Lily didn't expect to see a familiar head of curly black hair. The owner sniffled as her normally bright blue eyes were glistening with tears.

"I... didn't know where else to go..."she mumbled before promptly fainting. Lily yelped and scrambled to catch the raven haired girl in time.

"Alice! I really do need your help!"


With Bellatrix's bag put away into Lily's closet, the redheaded girl and her friend were unable to sleep. They kept to watching over Bellatrix after putting her into more comfortable clothes Lily had.

When morning struck and sunlight filtered through their small-ish London apartment, the curly haired girl woke up from her slumber.

As soon as blue met green, the girl stated to cry.

"Bella, what's wrong, love?"Lily asked in a soothing voice, doing her best to conceal her panic. She hugged the girl tightly.

"M-My mummy don love me no mowe!"she wailed. Lily raised an eyebrow before asking: "Princess? Can you tell me why?"

"Cuz...Cissy tol' her bout me n you... Den I gots shouties...Mean mummy tol' Bella dat she off da famiwy twee... "Bellatrix babbled through tears.

"She disowned you?"Alice asked, appalled.

"Uh huh...Cissy tol' on me cuz mean mummy wann me to mawwy Lucy an she no wann to if me don't wanna...Mummy said Bella was gross n she is disgwace....It huwts...Dadda hewped me go 'way...."

Lily's infamous temper nearly made itself known.

The redhead knew that at some point, her and Bellatrix's relationship would have been known of.

But was Narcissa really selfish enough to tell on Bellatrix in the hopes that she wouldn't be forced to wed Lucius Malfoy herself? And just how far did she go in telling Druella about their relationship? Was Bellatrix's regression to deal with her underlying mental health issues her parents refused to help her with discussed?

As Lily rocked her girlfriend and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, she wished she could get back the former Black's family for hurting her. Since she didn't have much political power, she knew another way.

It had been a long time coming, but Lily had been nervous to ask the other girl. Even James and Sirius nearly did it for her. Her wish could finally become reality.

What the red head wanted most of all was making Bellatrix the happiest woman alive when she asked her to be her "Mrs Evans".


A/N: Again, not very "little spacey" but I couldn't help it. I kinda had to write this one out. Hopefully my stupid ship name catches on lmao.

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