❝ Champion ❞ - Cedric x Cho

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Pairing ;; Cedho
Little ;; Cedric (17)
Caregiver ;; Cho (16)
AU ;;
TW ;; N/A
Request by ;; @Anime_dragon_4_life

( 🏆 )

Cho was getting worried. She hadn't seen her boyfriend for a long while after excusing himself when the Triwizard Champions had been announced.

To everyone's surprise , instead of Cedric being the only Hogwarts Champion , Harry Potter had been the fourth — to his misfortune.

She didn't quite understand how that was possible. Would Harry really do such a thing for attention like Malfoy said? Or was it a genuine mistake? To Cho , the confusion and terror in the Gryffindor's eyes only seemed to strengthen the likelihood of it being the latter.

Enough of that. She'd mull over that predicament once she had finally figured out Cedric's whereabouts.

Cho had already searched for him at all of their usual haunts — bar the Prefect's bathroom!

Of course!

They usually went there after a long night of patrolling the corridors in an effort to wind down.

(A/N : heads out of gutters please lol. )

She was silly for forgetting about it — it was one of Cedric's favourite places in the castle.

( 🏆 )

Cho knew she had been correct when she saw a familiar crown of copper curls peaking out from a bunch of bubbles in the pool.

"I.. I wan Mumma.. shoudn hav run off... Ced bad..!" a voice she knew far too well , sobbed.

Oh dear.

"Shh , it's okay — I'm sure she's not upset with you, dear! It's perfectly reasonable to be upset, alright? It really was unfair on you, but I don't think it was Harry's fault. Do you think so?" someone cooed at him — attempting to console him. Cho sighed in relief that Myrtle managed to keep him safe for her.

"Myrtle?" she asked cautiously.

The ghost looked up at her and grinned.

"Hullo Cho!" she chirped. The girl turned to Cedric "See ?" she said, making her finger go through his cheek and causing the boy to giggle. "Your Mummy's here! She went looking for you because she does care for you , just like I told you, silly bunny."

Cedric flapped around the water so he could turn around to see Cho. He squealed happily when their eyes met.

"Mumma!! Yu hew!! Yay!! Ceddy got scard n stawted cwyin cuz got lost n den big sis Tilly foun me n played wif me but Ceddy miss mumma lotsss n-"

The boy was cut off by Cho rushing over and wrapping her arms around him.

"I missed you too love! But please — what made you run away? You know that it's dangerous to be alone," she asked , letting him rest his wet curls on her chest.

"Mm..." Cedric made a face. "Is stupid.."he mumbled, a fresh set of tears collecting in. his eyes.

"I don't think anything you have to say is stupid, sweet baby. Come on , you can tell me anything."

"Mm... jus... sad.."

"Oh no! Sad? Poor Ceddy! Why are you sad bun-bun?" she asked, using one of his favourite nicknames .

"Cause.. evyone payin hawwy tentions... Ced wok hawd to get big kid game.. hawwy nuh sposed to pway... small.. an.. an it nuh fair.."

He broke down into choked sobs.

Oh dear —

"Love, I know it isn't fair and I'm so sorry alright? But you want Mumma to tell you something?"


Cho kissed his forehead. "You're always going to be my little champion, okay? Here's what we're going to do — since you've been such an amazing baby for me — How bout we have a day out tomorrow? Mumma'll buy you anything you want!"

"..Evn stuffies..?"


Cedric perked up and sniffled a bit . "Ony fow Ceddy????"

"Only for my precious prince! My champion!"

He squealed in delight. "Yay!!! Stuffies!! Bein wif Mama!! Yay!! Luv yu!! Bestest Mumma!!"

Cho giggled. " And you're the bestest prince ever. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you!"

( 🏆 )

A/N : I'm literally so sorry — I'm trying to get used to writing again after my hiatus :/ I'll try and make the next one better >_<

- xoxo
mika !!

ps :: I'd love more friends who are little like me since I basically know no one at all and it's sad :/

my insta is @tsumikiluvbot if you want to be friends!! ( '|)

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