❝ attentions ❞ - Hermione x Draco

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Pairing ;; Dramione
Little ;; Draco (18)
Caregiver ;; Hermione (19)
AU ;; 8th Year
TW ;; N/A


Hermione frowned and swatted away the thing that tapped her as she slept.

"Mumma? Mumma!"a voice whined.

That caused the bushy haired girl to wake up and blearily look around her room only to see a pair of wide mercury eyes staring at her.

She startled until she realised that she was only staring at her boyfriend, Draco. Hermione shook her head when the boy giggled at her.

"What're you doing up so early, Prince?"she asked, letting him cuddle up next to her.

"I wanna pway wif you! Dwakie bowed..."he mumbled in reply, pouting.

"But love, do you know what time it is?"

Draco shrugged. He didn't know nor care about what time it was. All he wanted to do was play with his Mumma. Play time was all the time, right?


After casting a quick Tempus , Hermione saw that the clock had only just struck 2:00am.

"Little Prince, can we please postpone this little play date til at least 7:00am? Mummy's very tired. She had a very long day doing big girl things..."

"B-But...I wanna pway wif Mumma...I wanna pway Monstews and Pwinces! Pwease Mumma? Pweasie?"

Hermione bit her bottom lip. She hated to deny Draco anything. Especially when he asked so nicely....

"...How about this, why don't you let Mummy tell you a story?"

Draco scrunched up his face in thought. "Mm...fine. Buh can it be good stowy?"

Hermione smiled. "Thank you, my Prince. And of course it will. Have you ever heard of Beauty and the Beast?"


"I didn't think so. It's a Muggle bedtime story that Mummy loved to bits when she was small, just like her little Prince!"Hermione replied, chuckling when she poked the blond's nose.

Draco gasped. "Mumma like da stowy? Den...if Mumma like stowy...Then stowy weally good!"

Hermione nodded and held out her palm in front of her whilst Draco settled himself by her side. Gold dust formed in her palm and she began her story:

"There once was a merchant who got lost in a storm and took shelter in a castle that he found. While leaving, he plucked a rose from the garden to gift to his daughter Belle..."The dust formed into the shape of a miniature girl.

"She pwetty like Mumma!"Draco whispered, reaching out to the girl. An echoey peal of giggles were heard as the girl danced onto the Malfoy's arm.

"The castle belonged to a hideous beast, who imprisoned the merchant for trying to steal the rose. The merchant begged to be set free and told the beast he only wanted the rose for his daughter Belle. The Beast let him go, on the condition that his daughter will take his place and live in the castle. The merchant returned home and told Belle everything. Belle went to live in the castle with the Beast, in place of her father. "

"Beasty wooks scawy..."Draco mumbled as another, larger gold figure of the Beast formed. It's roar startled the boy a bit.

"The Beast fell in love with the beautiful Belle, who realised that the Beast was very good natured and not vicious. One day, Belle asked permission to go see her father. When she left, the Beast felt heartbroken. Belle returned to the castle, to see that the Beast was dying."

The two figures had returned to Hermione's hand, both lying down as Belle cradled the Beast.

"She held the Beast and cried, admitting that she loves him. All of a sudden, the Beast turned into a handsome prince. He was cursed by a witch that he would remain a Beast, until a woman truly loved him, despite his hideous looks. When Belle said she loved the beast, the witch's curse was broken. The prince and Belle got married and lived happily ever after."

Draco clapped his hands and giggled. "Dat good stowy, Mumma!"

"Now you're ready to sleep?"

"Mm...fine... But me wanna play lotsa games tomorrow!"

Hermione grinned. "Deal."


A/N: Any other pairings? I might do a Blairon one.

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