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"What the hell were you thinking?" Klaus grunts in annoyance, his fingers wrapped around my forearm as he quickens his pace towards the house. I roll my eyes.

"I was thinking that I didn't want to starve. All you have in the house are apples." He shoots me a look, knowing that definitely wasn't the real reason.

"You could've ruined everything- the whole plan." He says in frustration, letting go of me as we enter the house. He runs a hand through his hair in anger that he was seemingly trying to control. I kept my glare on him, crossing my arms.

"It wasn't that bad."

"Who's the new face?" A voice asks, sliding into a seat beside me. I grimace at the presence. Camille's eyes flicker from me to the new presence.

"Not that it concerns you, but this is Scarlett." Camille says, an edge to her tone but I figured it was her way of flirting.

"Scarlett." He repeats, humming softly as my eyes finally meet his. He flashes me a smile, taking in my appearance very obviously. Camille scoffs softly.

"Try not to scare her off, yeah?" She says, before turning to help another customer. A black hole to swallow me would be phenomenal right now. My eyes flicker to Klaus who hadn't moved from his seat at the table towards the back. His eyes were set coldly on me.

"Marcel." The man offers a hand out, his smile practically blinding me. I've never seen teeth so white and straight. I can see why Rebekah was so caught up on the guy. He was hot. Like male model kinda hot.

"What toothpaste do you use?" I blurt, squinting as I attempt to get a closer look. He's caught slightly off guard but a small chuckle slips from his mouth. He drops his hand.

"Actually I usually fluctuate between brands." He says making me nod, taking a mental note.

"Interesting." I mutter, raking my thoughts of anyway to leave this very awkward conversation whilst trying to ignore the glare of Klaus that I could physically feel.

"You look way to young to be in a bar." He says, making me roll my eyes. Of course. This is the second time i've heard this.

"And you look too old to be out of the nursing home- yet here we both are." I say, annoyance laced in my voice.

"Very funny, kid."

"Thanks, Grandpa-"

"We should be heading out." A voice steps in and I immediately recognize it as Klaus'. He pretends not to even pay attention to me. Marcel's eyes linger on me in amusement for only a second longer before he nods and stands from the stool.

"Nice meeting you, Scarlett." He adds emphasis to my name before leaving the bar completely. Klaus stalks behind him, his eyes now set on me. Practically saying "you're so dead" with his eyes. Romantic.

After he's gone with Marcel for only a few minutes the hybrid re enters the bar, now alone and in a rush to get me home.

"What toothpaste do you use? Seriously?" He grunts making me shrug.

"It distracted him didn't it?"

"It actually just made you look suspicious. You know what he would do to you if he finds out- Sometimes you are so mindless Scarlett." He clenches his jaw, probably resisting the urge to go all hybrid on my ass.

"He won't find out- it's not like I can even do anything." I huff.

"Precisely. You can't do anything- which is why I instructed you to stay in the house."

Young God★Klaus Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now