Chapter Fourteen

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I ended up having to drive back to Texas earlier than expected because of the video with Anthony.

I knew I was going to be shamed by my family and my anxiety was too high so Olivia drove us back, still happy about our spontaneous trip to Disney.

When we returned to our hometown I dropped her off at her apartment building and we said our goodbyes as she took her stuff in.

I rode back to the manor in deafening silence, not knowing what was waiting for me back at home. It could go either way or we'd end up in a family civil war.

Either way, I wasn't excited to be going home.

Pulling into the driveway of the Colt Family Manor was the most anxiety I've felt in years. I could see my grandparents' car in the driveway with a few other cars and it made my blood run cold.

I drove into the garage, parking my truck and turning it off, looking at the door that went into the kitchen.

I took a deep breath as I exited the vehicle, leaving my bags in the back seat just in case things go south, which could have happened easily.

I knew they wouldn't kick me out of the family, but I did tarnish the family name.

The video was uploaded yesterday, on Wednesday, now it's Thursday and I haven't been on any social media since posting the selfie after the interview.

I wrapped my cardigan around my body, looking at my reflection in the window. I had Olivia dye my hair fully black while we were in LA because I felt the blonde didn't suit me very well.

I walked over to the door that separated me and my fate, placing my hand and turning it. I walked inside and closed the door behind me.

I could hear my family talking in the living room so I quietly made my way through the kitchen and down the hall, listening to the voices as they got louder.

"What I'm saying is that we should let her do what she wants to do! She's a grown woman who can make her own decisions!" My brother's voice made the room silent.

"I second that," My grandfather answered which made my grandmother groan, "She is talented, she is funny if anything she could make our reputation better! Because you care more about our reputation than the happiness, health, and safety of our granddaughter."

"Dad, your favoritism is showing." Aunt Carol said with a huff.

Oh great, she's here.

"This nonsense has gone on long enough. I say we send her to a psych ward and let her rot. At least that way she cannot continue to tarnish our family name." My grandmother scolded my actions, clearly unaware of my presence.

"That's enough!" My mother snapped and I brought my attention over to her as I peeked in the threshold into the living room. "I will no longer sit back and listen to the two of you talk poorly about my daughter. She is the only real person in this family other than Barron, and Barron is dead."

I gasped, she hasn't mentioned Barron since his funeral. She's snapped.

"For years I had to listen to all your family's negative comments about me and my children. I heard everything your sisters said to Sienna and I just let it happen and because of that I almost lost my daughter! No, not anymore. You are so fake and pathetic and you owe my family an apology."

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I could have cut the tension with a knife.

My father finally decided to speak up, "Fighting isn't getting us anywhere-"

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