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Hey Besties, rottenroyalebooks here, I just wanted to give yall an update about what's going on with this story.

Out of everything I have written, RottenCorpse has been one of my favorites, and I am glad to see so many people enjoying the characters just as much as I do.

That being said, I will no longer be continuing this story.

Let me explain.

I still love corpse husband and his music. That's not the issue here, but I have grown a lot since I started this book and have become uncomfortable reading and writing fanfiction about real people.

I will never slander any writers who write real person Fanfiction, that's just their preference, but it no longer sits right with me reading them, knowing that the Muse would be creeped out or uncomfortable reading it. I'd never want to unintentionally make anybody (famous or not) uncomfortable with my work.

I'm not saying that there's a possibility Corpse would read this story, I don't think that highly of myself.

I do apologize to those who put such lovely things in the comments sections of my story, I love reading them.

Stay awesome,
Ivy Locke

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