Chapter Four

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I didn't dare go onto my phone again until the next morning.

I opened Twitter as soon as I woke up and laughed at the memes people made. I also noticed that #rottencancook is trending at number 4.

I saw a video of different clips of me laughing during the stream and was edited to make me look flattering so I quoted the tweet saying, "Thank you for making my laugh aesthetically pleasing, I hate my laugh normally ❤."

I got out of bed and stretched, putting my phone in the waistband of my pajama pants as I made my way to my office where I stopped at the threshold, remembering the promise I had made to my mother the morning before about staying off the internet and videogames for the day so I could focus on college work.

"Man, I hate college...but this was the deal I made with dad..." I walked in and sat down at my studying desk that had my backpack on the back of the chair, opened and ready for me to finish assignments for my other classes.

I sat down in the comfortable chair and placed my phone on the stand that rests by my lamp which I turned on just as I got a Discord text.

I reached over and opened it, seeing the message was from Corpse.

"Hey, saw your stream last night. It was hilarious. Are you playing with us again today?"

I smiled lightly, taking the phone and replying to his text, "Thanks for holding up your end of the bargain ;D. I wish I could, but I'm a college student who has three classes worth of Homework to stop procrastinating on. I only have one semester after midterms then I can commit my life to the games and music." I sent the message and instantly realized that I rambled, he probably doesn't care.

I fumbled with my phone and quickly sent another one, "Sorry, I talk too much. Hope you guys have fun!"

I put my phone on silent and took out my assignment for my Business Law class and began working and I saw a new message pop up on my phone screen.

I decided to look at the message from Corpse and smiled as I read it, "I find what you have to say very interestingly. What are you studying?"

I decided to use the speak-to-text option on my keyboard so I could continue my work.

"At the moment I'm doing an assignment for business law. I'm studying Business, mostly for my parents. When I'm done though, I'm free to do whatever."

It only took him a few minutes to respond, "Well, I have an idea. Do you want to facetime? I can point my phone towards the computer screen with my phone tripod and we can secretly be a kickass Imposter team." I giggled lightly.

"I wish I could, really, but if I fail any classes my parents would be so disappointed and I already bring shame to my family as-is. Next time, though." I sent the message and got back to work, blocking out everything around me and paying close attention to my work.


As the hours ticked by and I ticked my assignments off one by one and by the time I started studying for my Ethics midterm, it was already one in the afternoon.

I heard my office door creak open and looked up at the door seeing my father walking in with a bag and a coffee cup.

"Hey Daddy, I'm just studying for my Ethics Midterm exam. What's up?" I asked, sitting back in my seat. I realized I was still in my pajamas which consisted of an old Nirvana Tee-shirt and a pair of men's basketball shorts that my ex-boyfriend left and I didn't bother to drop it off to him.

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