Chapter Eighteen

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After that stream, I went silent on all social media platforms for three weeks.

I still had contact with all my friends; I texted everyone regularly, but I needed to be radio silent to do what I wanted.

Not being active on social media helped me catch up with my schoolwork when I wasn't working on my album, with Corpse's help, of course.

I didn't leave the guest house very much: only to eat Maria's cooking or get a random opinion from anyone who would listen. It had been nearly a month before I opened Discord again on my desktop, sitting in the office with the windows opened a crack.

I sent a quick hello sticker to Corpse, who called a few minutes later.

"You know, I could be working on my music right now instead of helping you with yours." The teasing tone in his voice made me smile.

"We've been working on this day and night for over three weeks now, and I think I want to open just to post the date of the first video; give the fans a bit of a tease," I mumbled, logging into Twitter on my computer.

"Have you thought of a name? This project will be huge, and it still needs a name."

I decided to make a short film featuring all the songs on this album. The first video I made with my family will be the trailer for the short film. It's going further into detail about my past.

"I do have an idea. Overture. This film is going to be a new beginning; it seemed fitting."

Before he could say anything, my office door opened.

"Sienna! I am taking you to a business party." Jeremiah's voice boomed, and I Groaned lightly.

"Can't you go alone?" I whined, turning in my seat to look at him.

He shook his head, stopping as he looked at my screen, wordlessly walking over.

"Hi Corpse, I'm muting her."

He muted my end of the call, and I scoffed, "Dude."

"As your big brother, it's my job to make sure that you're being socially active, and since you have just been in the guest house for the past few weeks, you're not being socially active."

"I'm working!"

"And I'm so proud of you for that! But I'm so close to sealing this important business deal with Jack VanOrden, and I need you to..." He paused, hesitating as he seemed to be picking his words carefully, "You know, butter him up for me."

I blinked, silent as he took in my unamusement.

"Okay, let me restart." He started to backtrack, "Tonight is the VanOrden Christmas Party. You and I have been invited as honorary guests, and I need you to go and flirt with him to your heart's desire to make him happy enough to accept my offer."

I scoffed, "Seriously, you want me to play with the man's feelings for your benefit? What's in it for me?"

He was silent for a moment, then he smirked, "You get to look hot, drink wine, and flirt with a hot rich man."

My breath hitched, "My three favorite things..."

"Plus, the Tweet material."

I gasped dramatically, "Oh my God, the tweet material! Okay, I'm in."

His smile widened, and he straightened his posture, "The Party is tonight. I looked through your Olivia and go shopping." He said and ran out the door before I could yell after him.

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