Chapter Fifteen

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We finished filming the main part of the video within the evening, since all they had to do was act as of they were at a funeral then I had my father, mother, brother, and grandparents place Black Roses on my chest as the faux priest, who was my great uncle, gave a silent fake speech.

Everyone did very well, they seemed to enjoy participating in something I was creating.

There were a few bumps here and there and we had to do a few takes of a few scenes, but I knew that the editor would kill it in the end.

After everyone left at around one in the morning, the kids included, I returned to my studio to send the footage to the editor, his name is Jullian,  which I did along with some extra money.

I had worked with Jullian a few times in the past when I couldn't get parts of my videos to match my vision. He is a very talented man who never fails to match my vision when I get in touch with him.

A true legend.

Once that was done I took a deep breath and leaned back in my seat, typing Twitter into Google and logging in on the website.

Hello, my friends, it's been a few days, I'm taking a small break to figure stuff out. The good news is, my family doesn't hate me. 👍🏻

I sent the tweet out and logged out instantly before I found my way into a rabbit hole of reading people's tweets about me.

I sighed again, closing my eyes to relax before hearing the discord tone go off.

I notice it was Corpse who messaged me, I smiled as I clicked on the notification to open Discord automatically.

"Hey. I see you're up late. In the mood to call or are you going to bed soon?"

My smile grew and I clicked the audio call button. I grabbed a makeup wipe from my drawer and a small standing mirror so I could remove the makeup I was wearing for the video.

"You scared the crap out of me. Almost choked on my tortilla." He admitted and I let out a small laugh, adjusting the volume since I wasn't wearing headphones.

"Sorry, I got excited," I mumbled into my microphone, wiping the cloth across my cheek and dragging a trash bin closer to me with my foot.

"How did everything go? You've been kind of MIA since we talked while you were in LA." his tone wasn't accusing, simply curious.

"God, it was a mess, I walked right into a war zone." I groaned, remembering the events of the night prior, "In the end, we're still a family, I realized that we all come from different generations and different mindsets. We have different opinions and sometimes nothing can change that, you know? Things are going to be rocky for a while, but I think things are going to be okay."

He hummed, "I'm always a few taps away if you need me..." He paused, clearing his throat, "Well I can't fully promise because my sleep schedule is fucked and I might be streaming..."

I laughed, "Don't worry, it's the thought that counts."

"What are you doing now?"

I sighed, "Taking off my makeup. I was filming all evening hence why I'm talking to this pretty cool guy at two in the morning."

"Oh yeah? Where'd you meet him?"

"This semi-popular YouTuber, you probably don't know him he goes by JackSepticEye, invited me to be a filler for a game of Among Us, and I crushed it." I smiled lightly, adjusting in my chair.

"Hell yeah, you did. Think you can do it again?" He hummed and I let out a gentle scoff.

"I'll stick to music," I mumbled out as I threw away the last makeup wipe for my face.

"Have you been on Twitter?" His tone was hard to read, I couldn't tell if I should go on the app or just delete my account.

"Not since Anthony Video dropped... I'm honestly pretty scared to open any social media. I've been throwing myself into new projects, including this one..."

It was then when inspiration struck me like someone threw something at me.

"Oh gosh. It just hit me like a damn truck." I looked around my desk for my songbook and scrambled.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I looked up at the call.

"Corpse, I'm rebranding. Wanna help me write an album?"

He was silent, "What, a collaboration wasn't good enough for you?" He teased quietly.

I rolled my eyes, looking back at the camera with an eyebrow raised, "Fine I'll just ask Dave-"

"I'm kidding! Kidding. I would be honored to help you write your album. How exactly are you rebranding?"

I smiled happily, removing the rest of my makeup, "I am killing Rotten Royale, quite literally. You'll see. I still need to write and record a few things, but that can wait till tomorrow." 

He was silent for a moment on the other line, "Are you serious about the album?"

I smiled at the dark facetime call, even though we have met in person before I didn't mind that I was still met with a dark screen. I never got a good look at his face anyway since he had his mask on most of the time and when he didn't I looked away to make him feel more comfortable.

"As serious as a heart attack, Corpse Husband."

He chuckled, "Too bad you're killing off Rotten Royale, I was starting to like the ship name our fans gave us. RottenCorpse."

My smile somehow widened even more, "God, they're really calling us that? It's fitting." I joked lightly.

"It's late and you look exhausted. We can talk more about this tomorrow after Touch Starved is released."

I sighed, "I still can't believe we're calling it that because of how touch-starved I am."

"Good night Sienna."

"Night Corpse, sweet dreams." I hung up the call and locked my phone, bringing it to my bedroom so I could finish getting ready for bed.


A/N: Another filler chapter! What do you guys think of the rebranding? The next chapter should be longer! I love reading your guy's comments!

Till next time,


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