Chapter Three

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After an hour of trying to figure out my Finance homework without cheating, I finished, with the help of my Father's Financial Advisor, and called my best friend since our Rugrat years Olivia.

"Oi, what's good, babe?" Olivia asked as soon as she picked up. I was multitasking in the kitchen, trying to finish setting up for the stream as I spoke with her.

"I need heeeeeeelp. Liv I'm cooking today-"

"Not without adult supervision you're not. I'll be at your house/studio in ten minutes." She hung up before I could get a word in.

"I am an adult..." I mumbled putting my phone in my back pocket, but not before hearing the Discord tone ding a few times.

I look at it and I see everyone from the game earlier, (besides Kassie, Sean, Lizzie, and Dave) have sent me friend requests. I smiled and accepted them all. I quickly got a DM from Corpse.

I opened it with a hum, "You played a good game today. If I watch your stream tonight, wanna listen to my music? ;D"

I snorted, straight to the point, huh?

I texted him back, "Oh hell yeah. Do you one better, I'll listen now so you'll have no choice but to watch me burn my kitchen down."

I closed the discord app and opened YouTube, searching his name and clicking on the first song that popped up, E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE.

Because I'm an E-Girl and I'm ruining my own life.

At the end of the song, my jaw is on the floor and inspiration struck. I quickly sent a link to Corpse with a message saying, "Can I ??? Cover this ??? Pretty please ???"

His reply was almost instant.

"Really? Yeah of course! I don't mind."

I laughed, mostly at myself as ideas for the video were popping into my head at rapid rates, "Oh you're SO going to regret permitting me. Thank you!"

I run my laptop downstairs so I could set up the Twitch Stream and connect all of my cameras and stuff to it as Olivia walked right into my kitchen with a fire extinguisher in her hands. I twisted my face into a look.

"Just in case." She said with a shrug, placing it on a counter that would be in view with the camera.

"Why are the cameras so far back?" She asked walking over to where I am standing by my laptop, clicking of the keys filled our ears.

"Because I need room to goof off while the food is cooking! Obviously." I say with a "duh" tone and she rolled her eyes.

"I wanted there to be a good view of the kitchen," I explained for real and she nodded, walking over to the living room and sitting on the couch.

"Man, Twenty-one years old and you have your own house that you don't have to worry about paying a mortgage for! What a dream life." She said putting her hands behind her head.

"Well, technically this is my parents' guest house and we don't pay a mortgage at all since the manor was built one hundred and fifty-five years ago and it was paid off then handed down from generation to generation. We only pay for water and other taxes. Being one of the Richest and Oldest families in America give us that privilege." I explained with a chuckle.

"Yeah, they're the Colt Family. It sounds so professional." She laughed and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. You want to be apart of the stream or are you just gonna be in the corner making sure I don't burn down the house?"

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