a sequel??

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so basically i've been receiving a lot more attention recently on this work which is super fun (i try and read every comment, thanks so much to everyone who interacts with the fic) and i was wondering if you guys would be interested in a sequel??

it could fill in the gap of what draco did while he was healing and growing so that he could treat harry right, and then cover the story of their relationship now they're able to actually love each other properly?

i definitely reckon i'd be up for it when i'm done with Where The Sun Drops (also a toxic drarry fic haha why am i like this?) or potentially while i'm working on that ... we'll see

either way lmk what you think and if you'd read it!! and def give me some ideas of what you'd like to see if i DO write it, e.g:

- what Harry did while Draco was gone (as well as what Draco did)
- maybe some input from Pansy/ Blaise looking back on what they did

anything like that, lmk any unanswered questions you feel you have about the fic or what you most loved about it and would like more of

probably not more toxic draco, think the slow burn killed most of you guys enough last time around lol though maybe i could give them some flashbacks of toxic stuff that i didn't write about before if you want hahaha

excited to hear everyone's thoughts!! ❤️

~ paradisedraco

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