fourteen | alone

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Later that day, Draco's world began to fall apart.

It started slowly, with a mere distraction in Potions. Potter was being obnoxious as usual and taking all the attention in class, and before Draco knew it, his Potions book was lit up like a bonfire over the cauldron.

He flapped it and blew frantically to put the flames out, but it was clear the damage was done.

"Don't worry, Malfoy, I'm sure Daddy will buy you a new one," Potter smirked over the table, and Draco glared back. It wasn't the book he was particularly bothered about; like Potter said, it was more than replaceable. But the uncharacteristic lapse in his concentration that had lead to the accident in the first place concerned him. What was happening to him these days?

"Pansy, let me use your textbook," Draco demanded, but was surprised by the speed with which his friend's textbook was whipped away from his grasp.

"No, I'm using it," she told him petulantly, but there was an odd look of worry in her eyes which piqued Draco's interest greatly, so without any further thought he ripped it out of her hands and flicked roughly though the pages  to that day's topic.

Before he could get there, however, Draco's fingers skimmed over the page titled 'Amortentia', and a sheet of parchment in Pansy's writing drifted onto his lap.

"What's this?" he asked curiously, and Pansy lunged across the desk in a panicked flurry, which was enough to rapidly assure him that it was important, and he used his lofty height to wield it well out of the girl's reach.

"It's just a joke - Draco, give it back, it's private!" she hissed, trying to snatch the page back from him without attracting Snape's attention, but Draco only laughed and held it higher.

"Draco, seriously, you want to give that back," Blaise chipped in, the same expression of weird concern written over his face.

"No, I think I am going to read it, thanks, since you're both so concerned," Draco insisted with an unkind smile, and with that, he began scanning the paper until the smile fell well and truly to the floor.

"How To Make A Draco?" he read aloud incredulously, and watched embarrassment and dismay replace the worry on his friend's faces. "Dior Sauvage cologne, green apple, cherrywood broom polish, fresh linen, spearmint, Draco's hair gel... what's this? And vanilla?"

"It was just a joke, Draco," Blaise managed weakly, but he didn't offer any further explanation. It was pretty self-explanatory.

"What the fuck is this?!" Draco snapped in outrage, not caring when Snape's beady glare drifted over towards the table. The professor wasn't above punishing even his favourite student, but Draco was too wound up to even notice him.

He glanced over to Potter's work station, where he was apparently engaged in trying to blow up his cauldron as usual with Longbottom. Little terrorist.

Draco wondered if maybe he should go immediately over and show Potter the page, reveal the truth, but something stopped him. He couldn't decide what it was - maybe embarrassment, or an unusual lack of desire to make a scene in class - but whatever it was, it was powerful, so for once he stayed away.

"Draco, we'll discuss this later..." Blaise shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Draco laughed a cold, short laugh with no humour in it. "Oh yeah, we will."

Pansy looked equally uncomfortable as he turned back to her.

"Pans? Anything to tell me?" he asked in a lowered voice, and she shook her head. "Coward."

Draco scanned the page again with flickering grey eyes, unable to take in what was written there.

"Add rosewater and pearl dust so it looks like real Amortentia..." he read under his breath, his hands shaking with an emotion he couldn't name. "Swap with Potter's own brew while Draco ... while Draco distracts him."

Pansy reached out to touch Draco's arm gently but he flinched away from her.

"I think you've done enough, Parkinson, you fucking traitor," he hissed menacingly. "You let me believe this for so long - how could you do this to me?"

"I don't know why you're so bothered, Draco," Blaise tried quietly. "It's not like you like him."

Draco wheeled round to glare at him full in the face, eyes burning. "I don't, Blaise, you're right," he replied nastily. "But that's none of your business anyway. The point is that the two of you were set on trying to embarrass me in this weird little trick of yours, and I hate you for that."

Pansy's eyes brimmed with guilty tears. "Draco, it was just a joke that got out of hand," she whispered. "We didn't know Potter would react as much as he did!"

Draco shook his head, then fixed his gaze on his desk and didn't look up.

"Don't talk to me for the rest of the lesson," he replied in a tone so cold and so similar to his Father's voice that the others didn't object.

"In fact - don't talk to me for the rest of the year. You're scum, both of you, and I can't believe I ever trusted you."


That night in bed, Draco attempted to work out why he was so devastated by the revelation from Potions class.

Clearly the other boy wasn't in on the prank; he was far too easy to read for that. No, Potter's desire was genuine. Draco was sure of it. He must just be very persuadable, he thought to himself with resentment.

He supposed what was hurting him was really the betrayal of his friends. They'd always played small tricks on each other when they were younger, but Draco had assumed that they'd all grown out of it by now, and knew better than to put his Malfoy honour at risk like this. Didn't they know what such a scandal could do to Draco if his father heard of it? It was reckless, thoughtless behaviour and it didn't bear thinking about.

Bloody Pansy and Blaise. He wouldn't forgive them in a hurry. Draco was very good at a lot of things, but it had to be said that holding grudges was one of his specialities, a trait he prided himself on more than he probably should.

He decided eventually that he'd have to tell Potter, though. It wouldn't be as fun to hear about his crush any more anyway, knowing he'd simply been conditioned into it and that it wasn't genuine. What a weird thing to have to tell someone.

"I'm sorry, Potter, but you don't fancy me," Draco practiced saying, and it sounded so ridiculous that he'd have laughed if it wasn't for how angry he still was.

He'd miss Pansy and Blaise's company but to an extent Draco was used to being alone, so he knew he'd cope.

He pictured Potter's trusting green eyes staring up at him, and sighed. He wasn't sure if he felt bad about it, but either way this wasn't something Draco wanted to have to tell the other boy. It was so bloody awkward.

Part of him was aware that it was a good opportunity to get his own back on Potter for all his recent tormenting, though, and when had Draco ever passed up a chance to hurt the other boy before, if one arose?

Perhaps it would be cathartic. They'd both feel better, could go back to their previous enmity where both knew where they stood - and where they stood, was that they unequivocally despised each other.

"It was all a trick, OK, Potter? So you can leave me alone now," he whispered. That didn't sound much better than before.

Leave me alone.


a/n: hope you enjoyed this update!

so draco knows now .. awkward. he's going to have to tell potter in the next chapter though so sit tight for some more awkwardness!🤍

~ paradisedraco

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