epilogue | darling

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It took almost two years, this waiting game of Harry's.

It was twenty-two months of carefully distanced friendship with Draco once the letters started, watching his progress slowly and supporting him, but never getting too close.

Twenty-two months of missing him, of yearning to hear his voice, of waiting up for him out of habit, just in case he'd come home to bed.

Then one day in late May, Draco did come home to him.

And he looked... brighter, perhaps? More alive? No, he looked radiant.

And he kissed Harry with the energy of all the lost time, and between their lips were months and months of agony and pleasure and memories that would never go away -

"What did we do to each other?" Harry gasped when he could finally breathed again, and Draco just shook his head and pulled him in for another kiss.

"God, I've missed you," he said breathlessly. "And God, I've been in love with you for so long."

"About time you realised," Harry laughed softly. "I have been telling you that for a while now."

"Oh shut it, Potter."

"Malfoy," Harry smirked.


A warm rush of contentment rolled softly through Harry.

He'd come home. He was better. And it was enough.

a/n: so there we have it! the end! thank you so much to everyone who's supported me in this, particularly scaitlincrowe for always advising me and letting me try out all my ideas on her. without her, this work would be vastly weaker.

and to everyone who always comments, votes and reads as soon as there's a new update, all of you have made me a very happy writer!! 🤍

i've got lots more works i want to work on next so don't worry, there's plenty more coming if you liked this fic🤍🤍 i'm specifically going to be working on "Where the Sun Drops" which is a post-war Drarry fic but there's other stuff in the background too:))

lots of love and hopefully see you there

~ paradisedraco

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