nine | what ginny saw

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The next morning was a Saturday and Harry still hadn't emerged from Ginny's room by 10am, where he'd run in the panic of the night before.

He knew it sounded awful but no matter how headstrong she acted, Ginny still couldn't say no to him if he asked to stay with her, and Harry was very grateful for this little fact.

"I guess you can sleep here," she'd whispered when he'd appeared by her bedside in tears. "But don't expect anything nice from me. And don't think this means I forgive you."

"Fine," Harry had whispered back as he slid under the covers and breathed in her familiar scent. "Thank you."

Hermione, meanwhile, was much less relaxed when 10 o'clock  rolled around and Harry was still nowhere to be found. She'd even managed to drag Ron out of bed by this point, which showed how dire the situation was.

"I mean bloody hell, Ronald, what if he just ran off into the Forbidden Forest or something?" she asked hysterically, pacing around the Gryffindor Common Room.

"He wouldn't do that," Ron rolled his eyes. "He isn't a full idiot, Hermione. Maybe only half."

"He's very impulsive!" Hermione insisted. "And he was drunk, too, and very upset! I mean, did you see his face?!"

"Yeah, he was crushed," Ron agreed reluctantly. "But 'Mione, really. He'll just have slept on the stairs somewhere or something and then gone for a walk to clear his head."

"The stairs?!"

The idea didn't seem to calm Hermione's despair at all, and finally she decided to tackle the real problem.

"I'm going to find Malfoy," she declared, snatching up her wand and striding towards the door, her curls flowing behind her.

"Malfoy?" Ron's eyes widened. "Hermione, are you mad?"

But she wasn't listening and would soon be out of sight, so he decided to leave her to it.

"God, that woman," he muttered slightly proudly. He knew she was about to give Malfoy hell.


"Sleeping nicely, are we, Malfoy?!" Hermione yelled as she burst into the Sixth year Slytherin boys' dormitories, sending a ripple of shock and disgust around the boys in the room.

"Ugh, Granger, get out," Blaise groaned, pulling the duvet angrily up over his head. "It's so early!"

"It's 10am, Zabini, but don't mind me," Hermione snapped, heading straight for the blonde in the corner. "It's Malfoy I'm after."

"Get fucked, Granger," came Draco's half-asleep voice. "I'm hungover."

Oh? Weakness!

Hermione pounced, ripping the duvet down to reveal Malfoy's face and torso and ignoring the disgusted protests.

"Where is Harry?" she demanded, and Malfoy was forced to sit up, blinking blearily.

"Why the fuck should I know?" he asked in irritation. "If he slipped off his little pet-play leash again, surely that's more Weaslette's domain than mine."

Hermione grimaced. "Don't be foul, Malfoy. I'm only asking because this is all your fault. Why can't you ever be fucking normal and not be vile to people?"

Draco squinted at her, unsure how to respond. "How is it my fault?"

Memories flooded his mind again, and his hand clapped instantly to his mouth, which was still smeared with the vampire blood. "Oh, shit."

"Oh, shit, indeed," Hermione yelled. The volume made him jump. "Surely you've seemed what you've been doing to him recently? He isn't well, Malfoy. And if anything happened to him last night as a result of your cruelty, then the consequences are entirely on you."

Draco paused, trying to work out if he felt remorse or embarrassment, but laughed it off - the other boys were staring. "I think you're misunderstanding my intentions, Granger," he said slowly, glancing around for his friends' reactions. "If Potter has got himself into some trouble, then that is a source of amusement for me, not regret."

"You're actually a fucking psycho," Hermione snarled, more angry with the other boy than she'd ever been. "I'm telling you to go and find him, now. Now, Malfoy! Or I'll tell everyone here exactly why Harry ran away from you. Don't want that, do you?"

Draco groaned. He knew the witch would twist the story into making him look like a predator who had actually wanted to kiss Potter rather than his real intentions to hurt him - in which he'd apparently been successful.

He pictured the laughs of the other boys if she told them he'd gone for Potter like that, and how hard it would be to defend himself from the accusations. They were all already looking at him with more than intrigue.

"Fine," he growled, glaring up at the smirking girl. "Although I don't know why you think I'll be able to find the stupid bastard if you can't."

Without bothering to cover himself, he got up out of bed in just his silk pyjama bottoms, stretched, then grabbed his robe, socks and shoes.

Hermione sighed in satisfaction as she watched him storm out of the room. Malfoy always seemed to be able to uncannily appear wherever Harry was, hopefully today would be no exception and that weird sixth sense would kick in.


Harry, meanwhile, was in the throes of a particularly vivid dream in Ginny's bed, the likes of which he'd never had before.

He saw ... Draco towering above him in the Great Hall, blood pouring from his nose and splashing angrily onto the floor, then suddenly they were falling hard down the steps of the Astronomy tower, directly into Draco's bed, and Draco's hand was sliding so slowly down his chest - oh God - and the blood was streaked over his mouth now, and his teeth were so sharp.... why were they so sharp?

Harry couldn't keep up. Draco's hard hands were everywhere now, running over his back and his inner thighs then tangling through Harry's hair to force his face roughly down on the emerald sheets. "Inhale," he ordered, and Harry choked as he did so, the all too familiar scent clouding his mind and filling his veins like morphine.

He looked behind him directly into Malfoy's icy silver eyes which stared back at him with hard resentment.

It was just as the dream vision of Draco opened his mouth and spat down on Harry's face that Harry realised he was waking up in real life, and coming hard on his chest and stomach as he did so.

"Harry, what the fuck?!!!" Ginny shrieked, and he screamed back in shock, his head whipping up to see her standing over him. He was instantly awake, and just as horrified as she was as he finished.

She must have just returned from the run she took every morning, he realised. Bad fucking timing.

"I'm sorry, ok?! I couldn't help it! That was hands-free!" he protested when he was done, casting the quickest Cleaning Charm of his life over the bed and himself, and pulling his robe on in a hurry to leave.

"Get out! Ugh, get out!" she shuddered.

"I'm going, I'm fucking going, alright?"

Harry shoved his feet into the previous night's socks and buckled up his belt as he half ran for the door, burning up with embarrassment as he did so. Why did this shit always happen to him?


a/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter!

so now he has to face malfoy like nothing happened in the next chapter ... that's fun. vote if you think ginny is traumatised 🤍

~ paradisedraco

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