forty | kiss me better

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The first thing that happened after their long meeting with Dumbledore was that, while Hermione, Theo and Blaise were let off the hook, Harry and Draco were given detention for the rest of the term.

Harry knew it was a lot more serious for Malfoy, too - he'd been found in possession of Class A drugs on the school grounds as a result of his little explosion in the library, and Dumbledore was apparently in negotiations with Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy on the subject of Draco's return to school the following year.

"You did Hex a librarian, after all," Dumbledore noted over the lenses of his half-moon spectacles. "And you caused thousands of Galleons' worth of damage before Miss Granger kindly stepped in to clean up your mess. And the drugs issue ... this is something I cannot turn a blind eye on, Draco, you must understand."

The two boys were not on speaking terms since the incident, to no one's great surprise.

"They'll fuck and get over it, they always do," Blaise had rolled his eyes, but no one else seemed so sure.

The first detention took place the evening after the incident, and tensions were still running extremely high. The boys had been commissioned with the particularly unpleasant task of cleaning out cauldrons of Armadillo bile mixture in the Potions dungeons without their wands, and this only served to put each of them in an even worse mood.

Silence reigned over the room for a good half hour, apart from some irritable banging of the cauldrons and cleaning products, until finally Harry caved.

"Look, Draco, I'm really sorry about what I did to you," he began. He got no response, so he tried again. "I truly am sorry. I feel like such a twat, I just-"

Malfoy cut him off with a withering glare.

"So you should, you utter troll," he retorted. "Who the fuck lashes out like that just because they're angry?"

"You do, actually," Harry muttered, then flinched instinctively as he caught the other boy's eye. "Sorry. I'm sorry, OK??"

"You don't seem sorry," Malfoy replied with a curl of his lip. "Show me how sorry you are."

Harry sighed, exasperated. "Malfoy, I don't know what more I can say! I've said a million times that I'm sorry-"

Malfoy's voice was low, dangerous. "Show me on your knees."

Harry's eyes widened with realisation. "Like a kiss better?" he whispered.

He dropped to his knees softly, and Malfoy grabbed a fistful of dark hair to push his head right back for eye contact. His eyes swept the exposed skin of the other boy's throat. He could see the racing pulse in the sensitive hollow by his jugular, see the way his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed.

"Here?" Harry asked. Another gulp. He was anxious.

"Right here," Malfoy nodded icily. "I think you've got some making up to do."

I'm already in detention for the rest of my life and Draco's probably getting excluded - how much more trouble can we get in? Harry reasoned to himself.

He glanced furtively around the empty dungeon, shifted his position on his knees, then slid open Malfoy's robes to reveal that the boy was already hard. Harry began to plant butterfly-soft kisses on the exposed skin he'd hurt so much, soothing, healing kisses that made Draco shiver under his touch.

"Feel any better?" he breathed, and Malfoy nodded.

"A little," he said. "But you're going to have to do better than that."

"I'm so sorry," Harry sighed between kisses and the odd flick of his tongue over the warm skin that made Malfoy's eyes roll back. "I've never been so sorry, please forgive me for hurting you-"

Another kiss, another flick, higher this time, on more sensitive skin.

"Draco, I'm sorry," he whispered. The words were beginning to lose their meaning, but he kept saying them. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've done..."

"Show me," Draco whispered back, tangling his hands harder in Harry's hair.

He was still standing but he leant back against the cauldrons behind him for support as he began to feel more of the heat of Harry's mouth. His tongue moved faster, he wasn't speaking any more - now it was Draco's turn to apologise, he knew that -

"I'm sorry, Harry," he tried out the phrase. It felt foreign on his tongue, an unfamiliar roll, so he tried again. "I'm sorry," he said, "I'm so sorry.... Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

As Harry's mouth tightened over him, Draco's apologies became louder and more profuse, until suddenly it was all over, and hot shame drowned out all the remorse he'd previously felt.

Shame to have been seen so vulnerable, to have been made so weak as to apologise for his actions, shame to have given in so easily when he was meant to be ignoring the other boy - it was all unfamiliar and repulsive to Draco, and it clouded his mind with red fog.

"Get away from me," he choked as Harry swallowed, hastily zipping up his fly and pulling his robes around him.

"What?" Harry asked, a confused little smile on his face.

Fucking hell, he thinks I'm joking! Draco realised, and he groaned. "Get away from
me, I said what I said!" he snapped, and Harry's face fell instantly.

"Did I do something wrong?" he faltered, getting shakily to a standing position.

"I just don't want you around me right now," Draco shivered, humiliation still coursing through his veins.

"You don't mean that," Harry replied, his skin growing paler and paler.

"I do right now!" Draco assured him. "I don't want you anywhere near me."

With that, a nauseous look came over Harry's face, end his eyes widened with hurt and shock. "I'm going to throw up," he mumbled, and lurched for a cauldron just in time.

Draco watched impassively as Harry retched into the dark depths of the container. "You're more mess for us to clean up," he said irritably.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Harry turned around, wiping spit from his lips with his robe sleeve.

"I don't know," Draco replied honestly, and he seemed very small as he admitted that. "Something bad though, I think."

"I wish you wouldn't say things like that," Harry frowned.

Draco paused, debating. "I'm sorry," he sighed in the end. "I wish I wouldn't, too."


a/n: thanks for reading! please vote and comment, we're nearing the end now so i hope you're all excited .... can't say for sure but there's definitely fewer than 10 chapters to go!

~ paradisedraco

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