18. Residenza

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As soon as the huge doors close and separate us from the bright day light, I turn around to find Demetri smiling at me mysteriously. I tear my feet away from the ground and slowly follow after the handsome vampire.

On our way to the left passage way, which is also sealed by huge, wooden doors, we pass the human secretary who looks even more terrified. I try to control myself and concentrate on the beautiful carvings on the walls. Demetri grips the handles tightly and with no effort opens the massive entry. He gestures politely for me to walk first and I step into the completely soulless corridor.

Flaming torches hang on the walls every few meters and light our way as we walk forward climbing a few stairs from time to time. I listen to the burning flame and try to remember every inch of the architecture so I wouldn’t get lost later.

My eyes scan the dark brown, stone-wood walls and their carvings, which don’t present beautiful images of angels, goddesses or heavenly sky as it did in the great white hall. These ones display the true nature of a vampire: bloody killings, sacrifices, annihilation of the children of the moon and many more.

I come back to the present and immediately feel Demetri’s eyes carving holes in my back. His intense gaze makes me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. Alec is nowhere near us to stand protectively in between to cut off whatever thoughts that rage in Demetri’s head. In this situation I feel a little jealous of Edward’s ability. I believe it would be of very use to me right now.

As if Demetri was the one to read my mind, I feel a cold hand wrap around my waist gently making me stop dead in my tracks. My muscles tense as I turn my head a little to my right to face him. He only smiles charmingly and gestures towards a door on our right.

“This is the entry to the chambers of the Volturi members. Do you wish to see your temporary residence?” his voice is almost as silent and low as a whisper.

His other hand wraps around my waist as well and he swiftly pulls me tightly against his body. I instantly grit my teeth in annoyance and place my palms on his chest.  I don’t try to struggle too obviously though I am thrown of track.

I try my hardest to show a pleasant expression on my face. I can’t afford to make a scene. He tightens the grip of his left hand and slowly raises his right one to gently brush a curl of my brown locks behind my ear.

“Or.. Maybe you wish to see the rest of the castle?” He smirks flirtatiously and looks into my eyes. “I would love to show you around..” I force myself to smile thankfully and shake my head.

“No, thank you. At this moment, I believe, I would like to see my room very much. The rest of the castle can wait for another time.” Once again I try to struggle out of his grasp but to no avail. I tell myself in my head not to use my powers or I will hurt him and then all will be lost.

“As you wish.” Suddenly Demetri lets go of me and quickly opens the doors.

I follow him and step into a quite lofty and vast corridor. It is decorated with dark red heavy curtains and gold art decorations. Old, luxurious paintings are hanging on the red and black walls, marble statues are standing on every corner.

I look up and find beautiful, angelic paintings on the arcs of the bent ceiling. I avert my gaze and look far to the front, where I see light, pearl white curtains dangling with every gust of wind and behind this entrance I notice a magnificent garden. I will definitely visit it sometime.

After a few seconds Demetri comes to a stop and gestures to my right. I gaze at the wooden doors and accept the thought that this is where I will be living for now. This time the polite gentleman allows me to open the entry by myself. I gently take the round metal handle and push forward.

The first thing I notice is a small balcony with the same white curtains dangling around. Another sight surprises me, since I didn’t expect to find a huge bed in a vampire’s room. There is also a writing table, two comfortable-looking armchairs, a fire place, one more window, a huge book-shelf filled with old looking books, nightstands and a mirror with a few drawers.

I smile a little at the, once again, marvelous decorations. All the architecture reminds me a lot of the past and a little bit of my favorite style – baroque. I especially enjoy the selection of colors. I could get used to living here very easily.

My high-heels sound louder against the wooden floor as I walk around slowly and I realize that I am alone in my room. I turn around and see Demetri standing outside the entry. Maybe he is not allowed into another room of a coven member without their permission? I hope so. I smile at him and nod.

“Thank you. The room is beautiful.” I say.

“Suits you, my lady. Anything else I could do for you?” He smiles flirtatiously, but soon my words wipe it away from his face.

“Would you be so kind and tell Alec that I will be waiting for him when he is finished with his meeting? I would love to see him.” I ask innocently and observe his reaction. His smile remains but his eyes give out a mixture of jealousy and anger.

“Yes, of course.” He bows slightly and grips the handle to close my door. But before he does, he looks at me again. “I still believe there are better choices for you, mia cara. Think about it.” He smiles courteously. “I shall see you later. Have a good night.” With these words he finally leaves and my body relaxes. I always feel like I have to be tense and ready for anything when I am with him. I don’t like it.

But I do like this castle. It is beautiful, magnificent, hospitable and very simple. Nothing too much nothing too less. I walk to the armchair and put it near the balcony, which is close to the huge center of the city, where a lot of people walk around aimlessly. Sun is shining brightly, so I don’t step out. Even though the balcony isn’t very noticeable, I can’t risk it.

I sit slowly onto the soft chair and lean back trying to relax. I decided that I will not walk around the castle without Alec’s hand in mine, so I have a lot of alone time till he comes back. I gaze out the window and trace the small paths of people below me. I decide to grab a book, but before I am even able to stand up I hear a knock on my door.

I quickly turn my head and smile widely at the door. Only the thought of Alec standing behind the closed entrance can make me go weak in the knees. Those three knocks can make my stone heart flip just thinking of him entering the same room I am in. I wonder what will finally happen when we will be left alone. I am slightly scared but also very excited.

I stand up and smile at the door. But suddenly I realize that the sweet scent of the vampire behind isn’t Alec’s. Nor is it Demetri’s. I grit my teeth and my muscles tense up. The vampire is still waiting for my approval of his visit.

“Come in.” I say sternly.

The wood moves slowly and a black cloak enters my room. He fixes the chain of his Volturi pendant and interlocks his hand under the huge sleeves. I wasn’t expecting this guest at all. A sadistic leader’s presence radiates off of his marble frame. The bright sunshine reflects off of his platinum blonde hair as a devious yet charming smile plays on his lips. He looks at me as chilling words leave his throat.

“We need to talk.”

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