1. Riunione

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Cold wind and my even colder skin collide as I run through the snow enshrouded mountains. The huge peaks pierce the soft clouds and reflect the first golden rays of a rising sun. My feet hit the pearl white ground silently. Gusts of little shimmering snowflakes engulf my body and hide me from an inquisitive eye. I reach the edge and jump into the air. My legs connect with the coal black ground and I gracefully slide down the slope of the mountain. As soon as the beams of light touch my moving frame, I tear myself away from the slope and dash into the thicket of the forest.

My body moves gracefully and avoids the thick trunks of the huge trees. The light breaks through the leaves and, to my dismay, touches my angelic face. My paper white skin reflects the light and starts to glimmer. I glide my dark burgundy eyes away from my diamond encrusted skin and look ahead.

Millions of blank thoughts rush through my head as my body dashes through the branches leaving a sweet gust of air behind. Why am I doing this? This is the only thought that gnaws me from the day I found out about the horrible rumors.

Figlio Immortale …

Such a brawl. Such a sensation that its hearsays reached even me. A fatal action that will draw the attention of the unwanted. And if they do decide the crime has been committed, the creators and the whole coven will receive justice and will be executed. But this can’t be the truth. My old friend wouldn’t allow this. He wouldn’t let his son create such a dangerous creature.

I clear my head and continue running towards my destination. My unnaturally well-developed smell detects a disgusting stench of a wet animal. A few moments later I hear a loud howl and angry grunts a few miles ahead of me. Without slowing my pace I quickly jump into the air and my feet collide with a branch. I continue to travel through the trees trying to avoid any undesirable encounters.

A few moments later I feel the stench closing in on me and realize that I’m being followed. I quicken my speed, but they don’t lose me. On the contrary, two of them catch up to me. I look down and notice sharp as knives teeth hiding under a dark silver fur. The creature jumps and tries to bite me, but I evade his attempt and he falls to the ground painfully. The other one seems to be much smaller than the silver one and doesn’t really know what he’s doing. I smile and jump a little higher.

Then, through the stench of the wild dogs following me, I pick up a familiar sweet scent. I quickly turn the direction it’s coming from and leap over a huge river that splits two high cliffs. Little water drops of an enormous waterfall sprinkles my glowing skin as my feet touch the edge of the cliff opposite the one I just left. I turn around and locate my attackers. Instead of going after me, they thrust their claws into the grass covered edge and stop themselves. The silver one howls loudly and gets an answer. One howl comes from a few miles behind the wolves and one reaches my ears from very close ahead of me. I grin and jump into the trees again.

I run a few yards and stop dead still in my tracks. I’m here. I can hear them. I can smell them. My eyes scan my surroundings and I notice a house less than a mile away. I take a deep unneeded breath and throw myself into that direction. In a matter of seconds I finally reach my destination. I swiftly grab a branch and jump through the edge of the forest into a clearing. My body gracefully rolls in midair and my feet contend with the ground.

I straighten my back and my thick dark chocolate curls fall down my back and reach bellow my waist. I gently lower my hands to my sides and glide my eyes to the creatures in front of me. All of them look wide eyed at me and confused. I quickly scan them one by one till my burgundy eyes connect to the golden ones of the person I’ve been looking for. A charming smile plays on my face as a sweet, angelic voice escapes my lips.

“Hello, Carlisle. Long time no see.”

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