14. Ritorno

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A joyful howl of the gigantic wolves brings me back to the reality and I turn around to face everyone. All of them hug one another, smile, laugh and rejoice the fact that all of them survived and achieved their long wished victory against the most feared and powerful coven. I smile as Emmett opens his huge arms and walks towards me with a goofy smirk on his face. I wrap my arms around him and loose myself in his bear hug.

A sudden thought crosses my mind. I freeze up in his embrace. Emmett was the one who would have killed him. I calm myself and detach my mind from these thoughts. It wouldn’t have been his fault. He only would have tried to protect our family. I would have too.

I slowly let go of him as he returns to Rosalie’s arms. Seconds later I am attacked by another pair of arms. But these are small, fragile and warm. I look down and meet chocolate eyes and the sweet smile of Renesmee. She embraces me tightly and I return it. All of our alliance turns towards the Cullen home while chatting happily. I follow Renesmee’s lead as she walks forwards still keeping her arms around me.

We reach the house and join Jacob, Leah and Seth, who stand in their usual clothes and usual human forms. At the sight of a tall and tan handsome man, Renesmee let’s go of me and runs into her soul mate’s arms. I chuckle lightly and look at the childish couple.

My smile slowly vanishes at the thought of a soul mate. Because I believe that I have just found mine. But it is forbidden. He is forbidden. And it tears me from the inside.

Even if something happened between us and we chose to be together, most likely I would have to be and live with him in Volterra. I despise the idea of living in the cold castle, being locked away from the entire world. Besides after this encounter and vision that Aro saw, it wouldn’t be safe for me to join them. They would want me dead and would view me as a threat to the well-being of the coven.

Most importantly, I don’t want to leave the Cullens. A few days ago they offered me to stay here and be a part of their family. I didn’t give Carlisle a clear answer, because I had no idea how it would turn out in the end, but I felt that my heart had decided for me. Until I met him. Now, my heart is divided. I’m not sure what I want anymore, not sure what to do with my life. The only thing I am completely sure I want is to share my life with him. But it is impossible.

Maybe it is better this way.  

I close my eyes for a second to erase my thoughts and climb up the concrete stairs to join the rest of the family. As usual, Seth holds he door for me. He winks playfully and I smile. Even though we met just a few days ago, and even though he is a dog so to speak, we became very good friends. He is the complete opposite of the rest of the boys in the pack. Instead of calling me a leech when we first met, he said that I smelt and looked really good. Those words earned him a slap upside the head from Jacob. I chuckle silently at this memory and enter the house with Seth trotting happily behind me.

“Don’t know how about you guys, but I’m gonna celebrate with my mouth full!” Seth laughs and jogs towards the kitchen. Leah and Jacob follow him. I roll my eyes and enter the living room, where everyone sits around the room and remembers the good old times and funny stories. I suppose with so much tension lingering in the air for the past few days, none of us could relax and just have a common talk and remember the past and good memories. I join in the warm conversation and laugh together with everyone. It was such a long time since I belonged somewhere. And I feel like I am finally home.

A few hours later the stories end and we head out outside to say our final goodbyes. We thank each other for the support and understanding. They wish us, and most importantly – Renesmee, luck and happiness. A few moments pass by and they are all gone. I smile sadly and return the hug that Carlisle pulled me into. He laughs as we enter the house once again and turns to me.

“So, Selena.” He smiles as everyone’s hopeful eyes bore into me. “A lot of time passed and we were wondering if you have already considered our proposal?” I look at Carlisle then at Seth, Bella and Renesmee. Alice looks at me happily with a smile as bright as the sun. “Will you stay with us?”

“Whoah! Whoah!” Seth stands up with his mouth full again. “There is no question here!” He looks sadly at me. “Come on, please, you’re staying… Right?..” A heavenly beautiful laugh escapes my lips as I realize that in fact I have considered the proposal and decided.

“Well, I guess I..”

“Don’t answer that.” Edward states coldly and eyes me sternly. All of us look at him confused. “Because someone is here to see you..” He motions with his head towards the huge crystal clear windows.

I turn my head slowly and gracefully walk towards them. I raise my eyes and look out into the outside. My eyes widen as I notice a familiar black as the night Volturi coat. It stands alone like a statue in the middle of the meadow. Slowly the vampire raises his hands and takes off his hood. I feel my heart bursting from a strange feeling when my burgundy eyes bore into the beautiful crystal red eyes of a handsome boy.


My soul mate. 

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