8. Ingiustizia

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Angry and threatening growl rips out of Seth’s throat. He reveals his enormous and sharp teeth and moves in front of me protectively, preventing me from stepping forward. Edward turns around with a painful and pleading look on his face. I don’t want to meet the man, but I don’t want to cause any more trouble by disobeying.

I gracefully put a hand on Seth and gently run my hand through his soft fur. He turns to look at me with a sorrowful look in his eyes. I slowly walk around the magnificent wolf and face the coven in front of me. Esme steps forward with a sad look on her delicate face and puts a hand on my shoulder as if trying to apologize. I smile at her but continue on my way. In the middle of the field I pass Bella, Renesmee and Jacob. The little girl strokes my hand slightly and sends me a comforting smile. On the other hand, I notice Emmet and Edward still standing there. Probably for my security.

The closer I approach them the more attention I receive. All of their eyes land on me and observe my every step as if I was an extremely dangerous threat. I am. But they don’t know it. Yet. Aro looks at me with the same creepy smile as he rubs his hands happily.

“Ah! Tale bellezza! Mozzafiato!” (Such a beauty! Breathtaking!) he gasps loudly and turns to look at his comrades. From the corner of my eye I notice the handsome boy tense at his master’s words, but his eyes don’t leave my moving frame even for a split second. When there are only a few steps left I invoke my gift. I don’t like it when other individuals scavenge through my thoughts.

I stop right in front of Aro. Everyone becomes silent. As soon as Aro extends his hand towards me a loud growl rings through the field and rips the silence. I quickly turn my eyes to the handsome boy who keeps his intense glare on his master. The boy lets out another growl as Aro steps slightly closer to me. Dark haired leader looks at him surprised as a light haired man restrains the boy from attacking. I furrow my eyebrows. Why would he attack his own master just for touching me? Our eyes meet again. I look at him confused as I notice his angry glare glint with jealousy and a need to protect me. A snarl escapes Edward’s lips as he turns his eyes away from this commotion.

“Demetri.” Aro nods towards the handsome man that is restraining the boy and he withdraws his hand. Then the leader’s eyes glide to the angry vampire. “It’s alright, my child. I am not going to hurt her.” The boy relaxes a bit and regains his posture, but still keeps his intense and observing glare on his master. Aro extends his hand once again. I gently place mine in his and he closes his eyes for a moment. Silence engulfs all of us as Aro raises his head and looks at me in disbelief.

“I see nothing.” He whispers. I hear a silent chuckle coming from Emmet. “Remarkable!” Aro laughs and claps his hands together then becomes serious once again. “What is your name, my child?” I suppress a growl and put a pleasant expression on my face.

“Selena.” A heavenly gentle sound escapes my lips and I notice the handsome boy lose his posture and his glare. He looks at me in a daze and the same warm feeling flows through my empty veins.

“Selena..” He whispers testing my name against his lips. “You possess such an extraordinary gift, that it’s making me intrigued.” He eyes me intensively and I can feel Edward and Emmet tense. I know what kind of question is about to escape his mind. But before Aro can say a word, a blonde vampire stops him by interrupting.

“Let’s not get carried away, brother.” He glares at us, although he eyes me with the same interest. “The lovely lady can wait.” He hisses as if threatening Aro. “We are here to investigate the committed crime.”

This is my chance. I muster all of my courage and invoke my gift once again. I turn my burgundy eyes and lock them dead straight on Aro’s. I stare intensively and prepare to use my ability of inevitable persuasion.

“Renesmee is not an immortal.” I state coldly and withdraw my gaze. Although Aro doesn’t seem fazed, I hope something did turn inside him. He turns to look at his brother as Edward and Emmet escort me back to our allies, who look at us with fear and tension.

“Bring the informer forward.” A man orders as we reach our coven and return to our positions. The Volturi army move forward and the members change their location and embrace the leaders in a circle. The handsome boy leaves the angelic girl and stands protectively on the other side of his masters. A very tall and menacing vampire brings a woman, Irina as I remember, forward.

“Is this the child you saw?” The same vicious blonde motions towards Renesmee. Irina looks at us confused.

“I’m not sure..”

“Jane..” the vampire turns to the small angelic girl and she grins as her eyes land on Irina, who looks horrified for a second and answers quickly.

“She’s changed! This child is bigger. Older.” Her scared eyes look down.

“Then your allegations were false.”

“The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake.” She looks sadly at the Denali coven. “I’m sorry.” She whispers as the blonde vampire grins evilly and takes a flaming torch. My eyes widen. No. He won’t.. He won’t do it.. A tall man steps forward and grabs Irina.

“Caius, no!” Edward yells but it’s too late. The huge man breaks Irina’s neck and rips off her head. Kate and Tanya scream painfully as Caius sets Irina’s body on fire. They cry out their sister’s name and charge forward. Without thinking I move quickly and try to grab Kate’s hand, but she slips away. Finally Eleazar is able to restrain Tanya as Garrett suffers from an electric shock, but stops Kate. I help him by keeping my arm in front restraining her, because I am able to block her power.

“Blind them!” Edward yells to the Amazons. Zafrina uses her gift and stops the sisters from attacking.

“Give me my sight back. We must attack.” Tanya whispers angrily. Edward steps forward and leans closer to them.

“This is what they want. If you attack now, we will all die.” He whispers silently, they stop struggling and accept the truth. I withdraw my arm and turn towards my previous position. I feel the Volturi eyes on me once again.

“Let’s see if she is immune to all mental attacks.” I overhear Caius whisper to Aro. I slow down my pace and turn to look at them confused. “Jane.” He whispers and looks at the small girl. She smirks widely and locks her smug gaze on me. Our burgundy eyes meet as a horrifying whisper escapes her lips.


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