25. Partenza

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My hands quickly fold the soft materials of my clothes that Alec bought me here in Voltera. The last soft silk blouse gently falls into my small suitcase and I finally close it. I quickly look through the drawers of my closet and take a glance at Alec's in case we forgot something. But the whole room seems to be rather empty, even though there weren't a lot of our personal objects here in the first place.

Soon after a lot of consideration and dispute it was decided that some of the Volturi guards will be leaving Voltera and going back to Forks with the Cullens, while the three leaders will be pursuing a vampire that might help us figure out everything that is going on.

We do have a lot of knowledge about the werewolves, but Alice believes she might be able to find out something, so she, Jasper and Emmett will be going to a few familiar tribes in Siberia that might know a lot more. What we do know is that the army won't attack us till the full moon when the werewolves will be able to turn so we still have seventeen days to prepare.

We don't really know how much truth the vision held inside of itself, but the most logical assumption is the army will attack Forks first. We have to get there as fast as possible to inform the shape shifters. I personally don't want to involve them, but if the fight does start, they have to be ready in case the werewolves will attack them, which will happen most likely.

With a loud sound the door to my room open and Alec steps in. He smiles a little at me and walks closer. He isn't wearing his red cloak for this journey to Forks. None of theVolturi will. His hands wrap around my tiny frame as I cling to his chest intoxicated by his presence.

"Ready?" He gently kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear.

"Yes." I shiver from the feeling of his touch. "Actually, I am a little excited to see the rest of the family." Slowly word after word my voice flutters away as Alec's lips linger on the soft skin of my neck.

"We still have a little bit of time.." He says seductively and a wonderful smile brightens his face. I let out a heavenly giggle and wrap my around his neck bringing him closer to me. Suddenly, our small paradise gets interrupted by the sound of opening door.

"Apparently, we do not.." I frown sadly and look at the intruder.

"Well if I could sleep, that would probably give me nightmares." Jane chuckles as we slowly let go of each other and make ourselves decent. "The Forks 'squad of defense' is about to leave. I figured you two would want to know." She leans against the doorway and smiles smugly at her brother, who only glares her way.

"Well, sister, aren't you attentive today." Alec answers with a thick note of sarcasm. It's always like this with these twins. They always argue, bicker and tease each other. But today they will be separated for a longer time than ever before. Alec persuaded the leaders, so he will be coming with me and Cullens, whereas Jane will be accompanying her Masters.

"Aren't I always?" She laughs cutely. "Just for you two." She smiles a little at me and I walk closer to her. We embrace each other tightly and after a few moments I quietly leave the room so the twins could say their goodbyes.

With a thug of the huge wooden door I walk into an underground dark throne room illuminated by a dim light of the burning flames. There I see the leaders all ready to leave and also the Cullens with a few Volturi guards entwined between the golden-eye vampires. I walk closer, the sound of my high-heels echoing of the dark grey brick walls.

Soon Alec and Jane also join us and we prepare to leave. Some of the Volturi will stay behind to report about the events in Voltera. Then, when the leaders will be coming back from their quest, they will collect the last of the Volturi and also join us in Forks.

After saying our goodbyes, me, Alec, Demetri, Santiago and a few other unknown to me Volturi members follow the Cullens to the exit. Alec gently pulls me closer to him and entwines our hands together. He lifts my right hand and kisses it reassuringly.

"Are you afraid?" He asks me as we let the other vampires walk before us.

"No matter how much I scold myself, I have to admit that.. yes. A little bit." I say sincerely.

"Please, love, don't be. I won't let anybody hurt you." He stops suddenly and tugs me into him. "I swear I will protect you with my life."

His words take away all of the bad feelings and bring light to my eyes. I wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips onto his. He holds me tightly pressed to his well toned and powerful body and I feel myself loosing the feeling in my knees. Our lips move in sync as we kiss each other passionately but are forced to let go, because the time is gaining on us. I gaze into his loving and gorgeous ruby red eyes, don't restrain myself and quickly kiss his lips one more time. Alec chuckles cutely and gently pecks my forehead. With a quick glance ahead we continue on our way towards Forks.
Where we will have to prepare for a war.   

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