21. Dimora

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My high heels click against the marble floor as I make my way to the great hall. My dark chocolate curls bounce happily as I make a few sudden turns. I have been staying with the Volturi for about 5 days so I learned how to find my way around the castle and not get lost.

Besides, I believe Alec got tired of looking for me and then guiding me the right way. But, of course, this way he had a wonderful opportunity to tease me. He would always compare me with Demetri, who can find a person on the other side of the world and I can’t even find huge wooden doors a few meters away.

But this time I indeed find them. I smile gently at yet another human girl, who greets me politely. Alec told me what happens to them, but it is not business and I have no right to shove my beliefs in their way of ruling the Volterra castle.

With a quick tug I open the carved wooden doors and feel warm morning light hit my face through the beautiful glass windows. To my surprise I find myself standing alone. Slowly I walk closer to the thrones and raise an eyebrow. It is not common for the leaders or the others to be late. Well, I know why Alec stayed behind. We share the same room so he volunteered to put in order some furniture after our.. yet another wonderful night. I believe, if I had any blood in me, I would be blushing.

The sound of doors opening brings me out of my thoughts as I turn around. I smile warmly as I see Jane walk into the hall. She returns the favor and joins me near the thrones.

“Good morning, Jane.” I greet her and she smiles even brighter.

“Well, it is. Especially for you, isn’t it?” an angelic giggle escapes her lips as I yet again appreciate the fact that I have no blood.

We strike up another of our everyday conversations, which involve a little bit of gossip, stories from our past, bragging about our individual training and the hunting for humans, which I have been assigned to, because of my ‘overwhelming beauty’ as Aro put it that way. The woman, Heidi, was not very happy with a new addition, but I have been luring in more humans than she has. I was doing the same thing before so it was not hard to adapt.

And of course Jane always finds a way how to tease me or Alec about our relationship. I usually stay quiet, but Alec bites her back and this way they begin another brother-sister quarrel.

Even though I first hated Jane and her smugness, I put the differences aside and opened up to her. Surprisingly, she did the same and we found out that we have a lot in common. Other than our small and delicate stature. After the first day we became very close friends and Alec liked this fact more than anything. We learned how to appreciate each other’s gifts and during training, we even learned how to combine them.

I found out that my power can cause more damage than I thought. With the help of Jane I can to get into another person’s mind and my power gives me the ability to hurt someone from inside. I am not able to project my shield like Bella does, because my power is not protective, it is offensive. Jane creates the illusion of agonizing pain, which I had the pleasure to witness, and my ability strengthens it and brings it to reality. It does not become just an illusion, but it becomes visual, real.

Aro believes that my and Alec’s abilities can also combined. Unfortunately, it might be impossible to do since Alec is very stubborn. He refuses to let me participate in any kind of fight or training match. He always wants to be close to me and protect me.

I love the feeling of his protectiveness, but sometimes it gets too far. Whenever I get the chance to train with another member of the Volturi, he drops to the ground senseless, before I am even able to move a muscle.

Alec was the one, who opposed the decision to add me as the guard of the Volturi and suggested that I should be protected every second of my never ending life, just like the wives of the leaders are. I rolled my eyes, but Aro had no other choice, but to agree.

Alec is one of his most praised students and he doesn’t want to see him displeased. So the dark haired leader assigned me to be the bait for humans, so that my gifts wouldn’t go to waste. Of course, even here Alec had to stand in front of me protectively, but this time he had to give in to his master.

A wrecking sound comes from the main entrance and I quickly finish my story about a man who was prepared to do whatever I wanted just so I would be with him.

“And he did. He became my dinner.” I say mischievously and Jane laughs louder but stops as soon as we notice our leaders step closer into the hall.

“Ah! Buongiorno, mie signore!” Aro exclaims happily, while Marcus smiles weakly and Caius scowls as usual.

I believe what surprised me the most was the fact that as soon as Aro heard that I decided to stay, his alertness and suspicion vanished away, he took me in and started to trust me completely, like I was his old friend. He became like a father figure to me and I realized that he wasn’t as bad as I thought. Demented and childish, but delightful. During the first few days I was a little careful around him, but right now I believe we are great friends. Even though I still refuse to call him ‘Master’.

“We have a lot of work we need to take care of.” He smiles widely and the leaders take their places on their thrones. Not long after a few other guards enter the room and I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I giggle silently and lean into my mate. From the corner of my eye I see a genuine smile spread onto Jane’s face as she turns around to look at Aro, who right now is giving out tasks to his guard.

“Alec and Felix.” Aro says as the hall empties. “You will be going to the south Germany. A few vicious newborns are causing trouble as I’ve been told.” I raise an eyebrow.

That is an easy job even for the weakest of our guards, then why would he assign it to the two strongest? I hear Alec’s low growl and notice a playful smile plaster itself on Jane’s face. I chuckle as I realize that Aro is trying to get Alec away from me. That means I will be training with Jane today on our combined attack and he won’t be able to interfere. From his growl I understand that Alec too knows Aro’s true purposes.

I am about to wish Alec a safe journey as a loud bang echoes through the hall. The great main doors open powerfully and my eyes widen at the sight of our uninvited guests. Five familiar golden eyed vampires walk hurriedly towards us. I step forward a little bit and meet scared, golden eyes of one of my closest friends as my questioning voice breaks the silence.


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