Two x reader || patch you up

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You're human in this, Two isn't though.
Also the drawing was made by gremmiedoodles on Tumblr.

I'm reposting this because I realized that Two goes by they/them pronouns :,]

This thing just appears in your house at random, looking for a conversation or to tell you how its day went. You're not even sure how it's so calm with talking to you or why you're so calm talking to it. And you don't even know how the hell it found you. But it's just there, probably thinking it's your friend.

This thing that you're talking about is this strange green creature in the shape of two. It also said its name is 'Two' and it said that it apparently goes by they/them pronouns. Their height ends at your pelvis.

So anyway, you haven't seen them in a week, which is weird. They usually stop by your house at least twice a week. But...they're probably some doing random shit in space. Or...probably not in space.

They did recently tell you that they're making this show called 'The Battle for The Power of Two'.

You actually think it's kinda weird that people are fighting for this alien's powers, but it's their show and they can do whatever the hell they want on it. You don't care.


You open the curtains and let the sunlight shine throughout your bedroom. You blinked a couple times, being partly blinded by the sun. You then rubbed your eyes, still a bit tired. You had just woken up, and it's 10:36am.

You sighed softly, walking to your door. "Hopefully today will be nice.." You yawned aloud, as you open your bedroom door and walk to the hallway.

You then walk from the hall to the kitchen, seeing the small form of Two sitting on a stool at the kitchen bar. Their shoulders are hunched over. You can also see that parts of them are a darker shade of green.

"Yeah, hopefully better than mine.." The British boi says, sounding depressed. You then walked up to them, looking at their face. Only to see that they has two black eyes, bruises, scratches, and you can even see blood dripping from their mouth.

You furrow your eyebrows, putting a hand on their shoulder. The number then flinched, and looked at you, one of their eyes almost swollen shut, probably from the throbbing. "Hey man, ..what happened?" You questioned, looking at their bruised, scratched, and bleeding small body.

"Uhh..I kinda got attacked..." They muttered to you, not even looking you in the eye anymore. They're just looking at your floor. " my contestants.." Two finished, sounding embarrassed that they were assaulted by their own show contestants.

...Actually, they should be embarrassed by that happening. That's pretty sad.

"That sucks," You shrugged your shoulders. The number just looked at you, probably confused as all hell. " you want me to patch you up?" You asked in a blank tone. They slowly nodded.

You patted their shoulder before walking away, to the bathroom, to get the first-aid kit. Two just hissed from you patting them. Then after a few moments, the number touched a few of their bruises and winced from the pain.

After a minute of Two messing with their bruises and bleeding spots, you walked back in there with the first-aid kit in your arms.

Two watched as you put it on the bar and opened it, digging inside of the white and red box. "You know, I'm surprised, (Y/n)," The number started, still watching you. "It's been almost two minutes, and you haven't even started talking about those weird things that I don't understand," They raised their eyebrows.

You just smiled, grabbing the bandaids. "What do you mean?" You joked, turning to their shoulder, and putting a few of them on their cuts. "You know what I mean! Balls, dicks, fucks, bla bla bla..." Two blabbered, making your smile widen.

"Yeah yeah, whatever British boy," You pinched the number's oddly fluffy skin, before grabbing the cotton-balls. Two hissed as you dabbed their bleeding spots. "That's what I mean! What even is 'British'?!" The number questioned you, not understanding. "You wanna know what British is? British is your fuck'n accent!" You laughed, throwing away the cotton-balls.

Two just sat there, more confused than they already were. "...what's an accent?" They quietly asked, still not understanding. You just sighed, and looked the number right in their swollen & bruised eyes.

"You really are an alien," Was all you said as you grabbed another cotton-ball and dabbed it on their bleeding lip. "..So, you wanna tell me about your shitty day?" You asked, throwing that away and looking at the green number.

They now have bandaids on their cuts, and all the visible blood is gone. "Uhh..don't you already know?" Two asked. "Yeah, but why did they attack you?" You questioned the green number. "You had to've done some shit for them to do that," You added, sitting down on a chair next to Two. They just blinked a few times before saying.

"They thought it was my fault for not hearing one of the rules," Two told quietly told you, messing around with a plant that's on the bar. They're pulling on the leafs of your kitchen plant.

"Well that's just fuck'n stupid!" You scrunched your nose, as you got up and went to the refrigerator.

" ya want something to eat?" You asked Two, thinking food will help this little alien feel at least a little better. "Uhh, do you have any...tomatoes?" You smiled. "Ta-ma-toe," You mocked aloud, about to burst out laughing.

"Oh- be quiet!" They shouted, angrily. You just laughed as you tossed the green number a tomato. The number smiled brightly as they caught the bright red fruit.

You smiled, one half of you confused on why they would want to eat a tomato, and the other hoping that they wouldn't just eat it. But then, they smiled as they then bit into the red tomato....disgusting.

You just stared at them, a little weirded out. "'re so fuk'n weird..." You say, patting on their shoulder. They just smiled at you, still eating it.

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