Mephone4S x reader || food is a luxury

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I've had this in my drafts since 2020 :,)

I'm sorry, I love this guy. He's my absolute favorite in Inanimate Insanity.

It took you almost seven weeks to actually tame this beast that is Mephone4S. This guy did not like you at all when he first met you. He absolutely hated you and your strange personality.

And that continued for a long time, until the day he told you that he had been locked in a cage back in his world, that was when he started to be more talkative with you.

He spoke about the world in his point of view, he even told you about the times before he was set off on his mission, the times with 'Mr. Steve Cobs'.

And it actually made you feel sympathetic that his own creator didn't care about him, and instead only cared about him destroying Mephone4.

And he told you all of these things with a great hesitation, he doesn't want people to think he's weak, so he hides those stories. But unfortunately, he had no idea that you could be serious.

Mephone4S is one of the strangest objects you've ever met, just beside the Algebraliens.

"Why do you even bother to take time out of your day, to just make yourself a bowl of unnecessary substances?" Mephone4S asked you in a calm tone, standing on the counter, behind you.

You just shrugged, picking up the tray of cookies from your oven.

"It tastes good, plus I kinda need food to live," He didn't seem to like that answer. He just crossed his arms and told you, in that same calm-yet-pissed-off-sounding voice.

"Food is a luxury," Wait, what the fuck. You thought, quickly cocking your head to him. "Fucking, says who?"

"Says Mr. Steve Cobs,"

"Mr. Steve Cobs can fuck off," You said, putting the tray of cookies down and then turning the stove off.

Mephone4S just gave you an annoyed look for disrespecting his creator. "Have you ever tried food?" He just shook his body, and your face nearly fucking melted in anger.

You just picked up one of the cookies, raisin oatmeal to be specific, and walked up to the counter. He immediately backed up and shook his body. "No no, I don't need it to function," You didn't even listen, you only pushed the cookie closer to him and whispered. "Just try it.."

The Mephone just looked at the raisin oatmeal cookie for a few seconds, before sighing a little dramatically and grabbing the sides of the cookie. He hesitated for a bit before taking the smallest bite you could imagine.

It actually kinda pissed you off at how small his bite was. Mephone4S then took a moment, looking like he has no idea what to do next.

The phone took a few more moments before swallowing.

That was when his screen became a bright red-pink-ish color, with a few hearts appearing beside his face. "Oh.." He whispered snatching the oatmeal raisin cookie from your hand.

You just watched as he then ate the rest of the cookie. "Wow.. I did not expect you to like it-" You take a deep breath. You really expected him to just straight up tell you that the cookie sucks. Your cooking isn't the best.

Mephone4S took big bites of the cookie, just finishing it in under ten seconds. Jesus, he's just like the other Mephone. You thought, grabbing another cookie and a plate from one of the cabinets. "Glad ya like it, my friends don't like anything I cook for them, besides Mephone,"

You tell the ripoff iPhone, putting the rest of the fresh oatmeal raisin cookies on the plate. You look back at him, only to see the phone impatiently waiting for you to put the plate down for him to probably dig his little paws into.

"Aw damn, I just made a cookie addict, didn't I-" You let out a quick sigh, setting the plate down next to him. The guy didn't even wait a second, he just immediately ran to the plate and grabbed the biggest one. "Yeah, I did.." You cover your face, not wanting to just watch the Mephone4S gobble down the cookie.

After that you just ate a few and watched him eat until he couldn't anymore.

He nearly threw up after eating eight cookies, so he's just like the other cookie obsessed phone.

And after that day, every time he visited, he would hint at you to bake him a full batch of cookies, but when you'd just straight up ask him if he wanted cookies, he'll just go. "No,"

And you still stand by it, this guy is the weirdest object you've met.

Object Shows x reader || ONESHOTS ||Where stories live. Discover now