Leafy x Yandere reader || love made me do it

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Happy Halloween! Have this sequel :]

I wanted to post a Halloween chapter, and this was perfect, since I had this story in my drafts for MONTHS.

WARNING!!: kidnapping, gore, death.

Leafy sat there in silence as she picked at her cast. (Y/n) had locked her in their bedroom, only leaving her a single plate of food and a bottle of water, since they had to go to work. That was five hours ago.

She never wanted things to end up this way, this is the last thing she would've wanted if she knew this was a possibility. She just wants things to go back to normal..

As Leafy picked at her cast, staring at the food on her plate. She's not touching it, who knows what (Y/n) had done to it. They probably drugged the food and the water. It doesn't seem like something they would've done, but now it does... Leafy softly sighed, looking at the wall as she thought.

The wallpaper was torn and only slightly stained with blood, there were also a few photos hanging on the wall. Two to be exact. One of (Y/n) and their parents, and the other of (Y/n) and...Leafy. They were holding hands in that photo, looking at each other, love in both of their eyes, but the glass was broken.

She still remembers telling (Y/n) that she just wanted to be friends, so they threw the photo in a fit of sadness and rage...

Leafy then looks away from the wall, looking back at the food. She's so hungry. Her stomach growled as she stared at the plate. She just tried to think of something else besides food, as her stomach basically tried to eat itself. How the hell did this even happen..? She thought, picking at a few scabs on her arm.

How the hell did this even happen? Leafy exhaled softly as she stared at the house from the front gate. (Y/n)'s house. She had recently broken up with them, and they seemed to take it pretty hard.

But she only knows because her friend had texted her that (Y/n) hasn't left their house since then and that she should check up on them. "They'll understand...right..?" She whispered, trying to gain the courage to walk up to their door.

"...fuck it-" The leaf finally said to herself, running up to the house. She then quickly knocked on the door, without even thinking. She heard soft footsteps, then silence... Leafy just stared at the door for a second, or two. "(Y/n)! Please open the door! I know you're angry, but I'm worried.. I've been told you haven't been leaving the house. So, please... just open the door, and we can talk about this!" She called out to her ex, trying to reason with them.

And as soon as she called out to (Y/n), she heard the sound of the doorknob unlocking. The door then slowly creaked open, revealing a silhouette of a human. Their eyes the only thing she can clearly see, glowing a beautiful and, or handsome (eye color). A tiny smile appeared on Leafy's face as she knew it was them.

"(Y/n), can I come in..?" The leaf asked, hoping that her ex wouldn't try to fucking kill her. She saw the silhouette slowly nod, the door creaking open after that, along with the silhouette quietly backing up from the doorway. Leafy's smile grew a bit wider as she walked into the house, a little happy that (Y/n) complied to her reasoning.

The leaf then looked up at the human, immediately gasping under her breath as she saw what state they're currently in. (Y/n)'s hair was messy, clothes dirty & torn, dark bags under their eyes, and their face completely drained of happiness.

Oh no... I didn't think the breakup would've hit them this hard. Leafy thought, feeling guilt as they then quickly walked up to her ex. They just watched her, not saying a single word, their eyelids twitching a little at how tired they probably are.

"Oh..(Y/n)," She whispered to them, softly grabbing their hand. Every single one of their fingernails were broken and bloody. "(Y/n).." The leaf gasped. The human just watched her in silence, before turning around and walking away from their ex, both of their eyelids slightly twitching. "W-where are you going?" Leafy asked, following them as they walked into the kitchen, taking slow steps.

As soon as Leafy made it into the kitchen, she saw how there was two plates on the table. They were both the same dish, Yoyleberry pie, Leafy's favorite. "Oh... did you know I was coming over..?" She asked, watching as (Y/n) walked over to the counter and then just stared at it. "No," They whispered under their breath, staring down at the counter.

Please don't tell me they baked a second pie so they could pretend I'm still with them... She thought, looking at the pie. It looks cold. "Look... (Y/n)," Leafy sighed softly. "I know you want to get back together, but please trust me on this.. I just think we would be better as friends.." She told them in a soft voice, walking up to them as they just stared at the counter.

"...NO!" (Y/n) suddenly screamed, quickly grabbing a kitchen knife and turning around. Leafy didn't have enough time to react to the situation before the human then swiftly stabbed her in the leg. She shouted in pain as she hit the ground, her leg oozing with blood. "I didn't want this to happen, but now it needs to happen!" (Y/n) shouted at her, bloody knife in hand.

Leafy screamed in fear, somehow getting back on her feet and she then began to try and run away, limping as blood trickled down her leg. (Y/n) just watched for a second, a small smile creeping on their face before slowly following behind, giving Leafy a head-start. Leafy cried under the pressure, limping to a door and quickly opening it.

The first thing she saw was her friend's dead body on the floor. Blood was smeared everywhere.. She just screamed, slamming the door closed and then ran into a different room. (Y/n)'s bedroom. She fell to the floor, her eyes now tightly shut, in tears. She wanted to stop and let her bloody leg rest, but she knew she couldn't. (Y/n) would get her if she just crawled in a ball on the floor.

So she quickly crawled on the floor and, hid in under the bed, her eyes tightly shut. She tried her best to stay quiet, but noises were being made. Breathing, whimpering, sobbing...

And so on...

And now that Leafy thinks about it, she realized why her friend's dead body was on the floor. (Y/n) set up this whole thing... They had killed her friend and texted her about themself through their phone.

"Leafy!" (Y/n)'s voice called out from the other room, scaring Leafy out of their thoughts. "I'm home," They giggled aloud. She heard their footsteps slowly become louder, until the door was then opened by (Y/n). They were still in their uniform. "How was the- hey.. you didn't eat your food.."

"I-I wasn't hungry.." Leafy lied, her stomach immediately growled as soon as she said that. (Y/n) just chuckled and walked up to the leaf, sitting down next to her. She kept picking at the scabs on her arms, but her hand was then lightly slapped by (Y/n). "Hey, no. I don't want my little sweetheart to get an infection, do I?" They smiled softly, grabbing her hand and softly rubbing it.

Leafy just whimpered, trying her best to not make eye contact with them. But they just picked her up and placed her on their lap. "Do you want to hear a story?" They asked. Leafy just slowly nodded, knowing that (Y/n) will just tell the story anyway.

"So...have you ever heard of the demon and the angel?" They asked, gently holding Leafy's hand.

"The demon loved the angel with all of their heart, and so did the angel.."

"But the angel was torn..." (Y/n) softly squeezed the leaf's hand as they spoke.

"Because one night the demon saw the angel speak to a human.."The human lightly growled under their breath, scaring Leafy a bit in the process.

"So they ripped the angel's wings off, to make sure they couldn't go back to Earth..." They continued, rubbing Leafy's cast.

"And that same night, while the angel was on the floor, covered in their own blood, the demon embraced the weak angel in their strong arms.." (Y/n) slowly wrapped their arm around Leafy's small body.

"You know what the demon said?" "...N-no.." Leafy didn't want to know.

"I'm so sorry, lovely, love made me do it." They softly whispered to the leaf, making her shudder. It was quiet after the story.

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