Flower x artist reader || on a scale from 1 to 100

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The drawing was made by holos-art on Tumblr.
Also I'm sorry if Flower's personality is all over the place, it's a little hard writing a character's personality when I barely pay attention to them.
Also I'm still working on that requested Liy x reader

You were just at your desk, sketching a few random objects on your tablet. They all look fine, though that you can't figure out what to draw next. You're lucky enough to even have the motivation to draw. It's such a waste of time to just sit there and not know what to draw-

"(Y/n)! Hey (Y/n)!" The small flower called, waving her arms in the air, trying to get your attention.

You let out a small sigh and look at the windowsill. Sitting inside your flower pot, was the small yellow and pink flower you happen to be friends with. She just smiled at you and waved both of her hands in the air. "Hey, (Y/n)! I have a question!" She told you.

"What is it, Flower?" You lay back in your swivel chair. She just put her hands on the sides of her face, probably trying to look cute, and asked. "On a scale from 1 to 100, how beautiful am I?"

You snorted at the question a little before giving Flower an answer, a smile on your face. "I'll give you a solid.....85%," Her smile widened at your answer, but it then quickly turned into a small frown. "What about the 15%?" Flower asked, worried you don't like how she looks.

This is actually still surprising to you, even through she told you she'd change how she acted years ago. The way you'd expect Flower to act a few years ago was yell at you about you not thinking she's pretty enough, throwing threats in your face and all.

But that finally stopped when one day she randomly walked up to you and told you that she would change.

You smile at her, rolling your swivel chair over to the window. "The 15% is how cute you are," You pat her top petals. She just waits for you to stop so she can fix her petals back to the way they were set before you even touched them. Flower doesn't like her petals being messed up, apparently it bugs her.

After Flower fixes her petals back into place, she realized what you just said and then a bright pink blush spread across her yellow face. "Aww~" She cooed, resting her hands on her hot pink cheeks.

That's when an idea popped into your head. "Wait, how long can you sit still?" You asked, rolling your chair back to your drawing desk. She just watched as you picked up another blank canvas and answered. "Not very long, why?"

It took Flower a moment to actually realize what you were suggesting. But when she did, she was actually surprised. "Are you going to draw me?" She gasped aloud. This is surprising to her, you never draw her, probably because most of the things you draw are just modern lifeless objects.

Objects like your couch, plants, kitchen utensils, and a lot more that can't be named right now. "Yeah," You nodded. "Now just make any pose-" You chuckle under your breath, picking up your pencil and pressing it against the paper, looking back at the small flower on your windowsill. You then immediately snort, just trying to hold in an explosion of laughter.

Flower had laid her back on your plant that's originally in the pot, with her legs crossed. It's pretty cute, but it is more hilarious in your eyes. "Okay-" You smile bright, beginning to sketch the base on the canvas.


It took you at least twenty-five or thirty minutes to finish the drawing, but when you did, you were happy. It's pretty good, even though it's a stick figure of a flower. You even got the background detail with your plant in the back, and even the window.

"Is it done?" Flower impatiently groans, kicking her feet as she waited for you to finish. You just smiled and picked up the canvas, quickly catching Flower's attention. She was waiting for you to finish the entire time, apparently she had no idea that drawing something took that long.

You then turned it around, letting your friend see the drawing you had spent the last thirty minutes on. She gasped, jumping up from the pot, her face visibly turning a bright pink again. "IT'S BEAUTIFUL, (Y/N)!!" She shouts, waving arms hands in the air, happily.

You just chuckle, you barely see her this happy, especially to see one of your drawings. "I LOVE IT, AA-" She happily shrieked. Your smile widened a bit, you just noticed how she's kind-of acting how Leafy acts when seeing any of your drawings. "Thanks-" You say, watching as Flower jumps off the windowsill and onto one of your shelfs that's mounted on your wall.

She then speed-ran and did some parkour all the way to your desk. "Can I keep it?" She asked, a bright smile on her face, along with a very bright blush. "How will you? And where would you keep it?" You smiled, laughing a little. "I can keep it in my fashion store!" She just told you.

You just furrowed your eyebrows for a moment. "Since when did you actually open a fashion store? Wasn't that your biggest dream?" You don't remember Flower ever telling you that she opened a fashion store. But she did tell you, too many times, that it was her dream to open one.

"Oh! Yeah, me and Gelatin opened a Steakhouse + Fashion store together!" Flower explained, still smiling. You nod. "Jelly boy? Isn't he the annoying six year old?" You ask, covering you mouth as you start to silently laugh to yourself. "How the hell did you open a store with a child, and didn't you use to badmouth him?"

"Also, what defines a steakhouse + fashion store?" You laugh out loud, slapping your hand against the drawing desk. "I'm sorry, this is just funny to me-" You continue to laugh as you wipe away a few laughter tears away. Flower just frowns, obviously not liking the way you're just laughing at her. Flower never likes you laughing at her or any of her friends.

"Sorry, babe.." You sigh, softly patting her petals once again. "I know you don't like it when I laugh at you, but that was at least a little funny-" You then smile, watching your small friend fix her petals back into their original positions.

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