Lightbulb x reader || splashes from the water

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I'm back and I fixed my phone, I can finally write stuff without a big-ass crack covering the keyboard. >:D
Also my request box is now open.

Btw this drawing was made by worldsfirstgayknife on Tumblr

Lightbulb was just sitting on the dock, kicking her feet against the water, Baxter in her arms as she watched the sun finally set. She likes to watch the sunset, it calms her down when she's feeling stressed. That, and it happens to give her some time to think about things.

The lightbulb had such a long day. She got yelled at Paintbrush a few times, Trophy punched her shoulder and called her a few names, and a few other things that she doesn't really want to think about at the moment...

Baxter was just sitting in Lightbulb's arms, not pinching her, or trying to jump out. He was just peacefully sitting there. "Have you ever missed your home before, Baxter?" Lightbulb asked as she looked down at the crab. She then sat there for a few seconds, just staring at Baxter. "Yeah, me too.." She replied to her own question, looking back at the sunset, letting out a soft & quiet sigh as she spoke.

The lightbulb just let her mind wonder after that, letting it think about anything it wants.

Lightbulb then let out another quiet sigh, before asking the small crab another question. "Do you miss your home, now?" "Only a little.." When suddenly another voice answered, not just her filling in the crab's questions. Lightbulb just looked around the dock, checking to see if anybody had gotten near the dock...but there wasn't anyone there.

"..hello?" The lightbulb continued to look around, even more confused than she already was. The voice just stuttered. "O-oh! Sorry for just butting in like that, I thought you were talking to me," The water under the dock splashed a bit, creating a few small waves from under it. And that was when a silhouette that was about the same size as her swam from under the dock. "Wait, what.." She whispered under her breath, holding Baxter closer to her body.

The same silhouette then emerged from the water, revealing themself as...some sort of half fish creature. They actually looked quite cute. Lightbulb's eyes widened at just the sight of them.

"My apologies for the misunderstanding!" They smiled at the lightbulb, waving their webbed fingers at her. "I now see that you wanted to be alone, I'll go now," They said as they were then about to swim back under the water.

"No- no! It's fine, you didn't know. You can stay," Lightbulb told them, holding their hand out to them. They just stopped and looked at her. They smiled again, their eyebrows furrowing. "But- you wanted to be alone, correct?" "Well, yeah, but I've never seen a fish like you before. You look cool," Lightbulb smiled back.

The gilled creature just gave the lightbulb a small smile before then floating closer to her legs. "I've never seen anything like you either," They said, grabbing her leg and taking a closer look at her skin. "What kind of land creature are you?" They asked, giving her skin a little pinch. She just jumped & accidentally slipped from the dock, and fell into the water. The fish creature quickly grabbed her and brought her to the surface of the water though.

"Woah-" They gasped and watched as Lightbulb coughed, trying to get the water out of her lungs. She grabbed onto their shoulder and held on for dear life as she just coughed in their face. "I-I'm sorry-" She managed to cough out, letting go of them and then grabbing onto the dock's leg.

They just let her continue her coughing fit after that, they didn't really want to make it any worse than they already did. And when Lightbulb finally finished her coughing attack. "Hey, wait!" The creature gasped from behind her, making the lightbulb quickly look back at them with a bit of the water still stuck in her eyes, slightly blurring her vision. "What's wrong?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

She could see the fish creature dive under the water and swim to the bottom. It was that moment when she realized Baxter wasn't with her anymore when they jumped back up from the water, the small crab in their webbed hand. "Here, you dropped him when you fell," They told Lightbulb, holding Baxter out for her. Lightbulb just took Baxter from their webbed hand. "Thanks, I don't know what I would've done if Baxter ran away. He's like my crab son," She told them, giving Baxter a few soft shell pats.

They just gave her a soft smile, shrugging their shoulders. "I get it, I used to have a turtle, they were like a child to me," Their small smile widened a little as they spoke. Lightbulb just smiled back. "Maybe they can have a little playdate together!" She happily offered. The fish creature just shook their head, their smile fading. "No, that's alright, but like I said before, I kinda miss my home.." "Well, why don't you go back?"

They giggled a little under their breath. "It's not that easy, I'd have to go on land to do that, and I think it's obvious that I can't.." They explained and slowly raised their tail fin above the water's surface. It was a beautiful & shiny (color), and the scales only made their tail look so much better.

"Plus.. I was moved from across the world, so my home is far far far far away from here!" They added, a tiny frown on their face as they ducked their neck under the water, until only their head was poking out from the surface. Lightbulb just set Baxter down on the dock and slowly swam to the fish creature & patted their head.

Their skin felt squishy, and soft, but that's just from constantly being under the water. "It'll be okay," She smiled softly, softly patting their head a few more times, until their frown then turned back into a smile. "Thanks for not freaking out when you first saw me.." They looked up at Lightbulb, every color on their body fitting perfectly with the sunset behind their head. Lightbulb's smile widened a little at the beautiful sight.

She didn't even say anything back, and neither did they. So they were just silently gazing into each others eyes as the stars in the sky started to appear, and the sun now gone. "What- what is your name?" Lightbulb broke the silence. They just took a moment before saying, that same cute smile on their face. "(Y/n).."

Lightbulb giggled a little. "That's a cute name!" The creature's face was then covered with a bright red as soon as the lightbulb said that, but it's like she didn't even notice what she told them, like she wasn't aware that she said anything at all. "...thanks.." (Y/n) sheepishly sank deeper into the water till' their eyes and the rest of their face was the only things above the surface of the cold water.

After that Lightbulb and (Y/n) then just spoke about a few things, until it was time for her to leave..


Lightbulb happily walked through the doorway to the hotel, Baxter in her arms. Paintbrush was sitting on the couch as she passed by. They just looked at her and asked. "You look happy, what happened?" "I KISSED A FISH-"

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