f i f t e e n - v o o d o o m a g i c

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Still in third person POV:

As for guppy, she didn't even wake up from her nap.

Y/n's POV:

She starts to get stronger and stronger as I get weaker and weaker. Finally, in the corner of my eye, I see my friends run behind me. "There you guys are!" I yell. They quickly come to help me close the door while some help me sit down. Facemaker touches my the side of my arm to feel them in a really extreme temperature. He quickly lets go. "Oh my goodness y/n!" He yells. "You are, really warm!"

Wildcard finally gets here and runs through the nurse's office to see me on the chair laying down and a couple other people trying to block the door from opening. They finally get it closed and they locked the door, but they were all out of breath. "What's even in there?" A Capella asks. "First of all, I don't think you want to know." I say, still sitting in the chair exhausted. "Second of all, change the "what" into a "who."

Wheels quickly rolls his wheelchair to the door that they just closed. He puts his ear close to the door, but flinched at the sound of Ms. Emily saying, "Get me out! Get me out!" She says in a screeching voice tone. Almost all of us covered our ears instantly, except of me. I got kind of used to it due to dealing with her for about 10 minutes.

"Ugh. I wish that guppy was here." I complain. Suddenly, Facemaker looks around. He finds a water bottle and throws it at me, including the bottle. I closed my eyes, trying not to get water in them. "Thanks Facemaker." I sneer. "Don't worry I got it." Rewind says, as he rewinds time so that I'm not soaking wet anymore. I smile, but just as I thought things were getting a little better, Facemaker "splashes" me with the bottle of water...again.

I begin to think that Facemaker didn't get the memo. Then all of a sudden, wildcard has the AUDACITY, to start laughing. I started to get angry, but I take some deep breaths to calm me down.

~About ten minutes later~

As I got dried up, finally, the police came, as with Ms. Grenada. "Where is she?" They ask. We all point to the locked door behind us. They looked at us weirdly because as we pointed to the door, all there was were a bunch of scratches and burn marks. "Next time, remind me to not mess with any of those kids." One of the police officers say. "Especially the small one. Where is she?"

"I'm right here." Guppy says. He turns around, puts his head to look at guppy and flinched. Guppy pretends to go into a shark frenzy on him, just as he started to scream and run away. "That's enough gups." I say, still sitting in the chair. "Y/n! What happened!" She asked. "Oh nothing. Just another accomplished mission." I bragged. She started going into depressed mood since she wasn't there to help.

I start to notice and say, "It's ok guppy. I bet there'll be another mission for you to participate on." I smile, and she returns it. I start to get up and start walking. Lucky for me, my left leg I guess healed, and I could finally walk. I slowly walk to the girls as Ms. Emily was being arrested. "Hey! You're back on your feet!" Fast Forward exclaims. We all turn to Ms. Emily as her sudden mood changes. "Wha- what am I doing here?" She asks.

"You're being arrested." I cop says in confusion. "I though you already knew that." "What? No! Why are you arresting me?" She asks again. She looks at me relieved and says, "Y/n! You could get me out, right?" But I didn't say anything. She was speechless. I felt kind of bad, but she knew what she did. It was wrong and mean, but she did know, right?

"Huh. That's so weird." Fast Forward says in confusion. "She didn't even know why she was arrested." "It like she was involved with, what's it called, voodoo?" Facemaker asks. "Yea. Just like voodoo." I say again. She almost killed you, right y/n?" She asks me. I didn't say anything at first, cause I was deep in my mind, thinking. "Right y/n?" She says again. I shake my head and look at the girls. I saw their confused faces, just as missy says, "Y/n are you ok?"

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