s i x t e e n - t h e ~ m e e t i n g

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"Ok, so..." I say, while drawing a box on the white board. "Arrested?" Guppy asks. "Yea." I said. I probably shouldn't have involved guppy into this since this is a serious topic, but I just involved her in it anyway. "You know how Ms. Emily, as well as the nurse got arrested right?"
I ask, while writing their names in the box. "Yea?" They all say. "Well, while I was fighting with Ms. Emily in the nurse's office, she started to get really weird."

"As she started fighting me, I told her to snap out of it." "And?" Wildcard, clearly bored out of his mind. I roll my eyes. "And.." I interrupt him, "She just stopped." "She just stopped?" Noodles asked. "Yea. She was in some kind of trance." I say again.

"And, when she was getting arrested, her mood suddenly changed." "From evil." Fast Forward says. "To confused!" Facemaker continues. "Right!" I exclaim. I high-five both of them and I start continuing the meeting. Wildcard rolls his eyes. I see him roll his eyes, but I just ignored him.

"And when the nurse was putting that needle in wildcard's arm," I say, "She was wearing this type of green bracelet. And when I was fighting with Ms. Emily, I saw she had the same thing on." "So?" Wildcard asks. "What if they had a girls sleepover and did friendship bracelets." He mocks.

"First of all, that is so weird you thought of that. Second, it might not make any sense, but as Facemaker said earlier." I look at Facemaker. "Voodoo magic?" He asks. "Exactly." I say again. "What? That doesn't make sense!" Wildcard complains, again. "What do you mean "that doesn't make sense?" I ask.

"There are superheroes in this world for gods sake." I assured him. "And you think that voodoo magic doesn't exist?" Rewind raises his hand. "Yes rewind?" I ask in a calm tone. "I- um. If villains wouldn't exist, the- then superheroes would exist, right?" He hesitated, clearly afraid. "Yep!" I exclaim. He sighs in relief and puts his hand down.

"There's something wrong happening in this school, and we're gonna find it." I say confidently. "Yea we are!" They say. "Hold up hold up." Wildcard says all of a sudden. "Suddenly, y/n comes up with a plan, and we're gonna listen to her?"

"Oh not this again." A Capella says. She leans on her hand in disappointment. "Wildcard, you did the same thing last year!" Fast Forward exclaims. "Yea, and where did missy lead you?" Wheels asked. "To freedom!" Missy says proudly while holding up her fist in the air. "Not really freedom." Wildcard complains. "Well, at least she succeeded." I say again. They all look at me, while wildcard looked at me in disgust.

"And wildcard, I don't see you thinking of a plan, so if you have one, I would be glad to hear it." I sneer. He rolls his eyes and sits down. "So? Who's with me?" I ask. "Me! Me too! Me three!" They said.

We all put our hands together, except of wildcard obviously. "One, two, three." We said, but we stopped instantly. "What do we say?" Guppy asked. "Dream team!" Facemaker blurts out.

We all look at him in confusion. "What?" He asks. "Whatever." Missy says. "Let's do it."




"Dream Team!!"

558 words 🥺🥺

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