Seeing them together

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Justin Bieber's Point of View
I hate everything! I can't even leave my house without being bombarded by fans and paps. Their always waiting for me. Waiting for me to make one stupid mistake. I can't handle it. I hate it. Sometimes I just wish i could go back in time to when my fame wasn't as crazy. Back to the time when I still had Logan to keep me in line an sane. She was my whole life. It completely revolved around her. Now I don't know what to do. My lifes a mess. I haven't seen nor talked to Logan in well over 2 years.
As my life is right now, Ive been in and out of trouble... a lot. I'm dating Selena. But she doesn't mean as much to me as Logan does.
Logan's Point of View.
Im sitting on a bench watching my girls play on the playground. Running around and going up and down the slides. This is how I got them tired for their nap. Or I at least try.
I hate how every time I try and take my girls to the park theres always these mothers staring at me and giving me dirty looks. Its like they've never seen a teen mother before. And not to mention how hard it is to go out without someone finding out who I am. But it makes no senses to me. I shouldnt be anyone special anymore, me and Justin broke upp over 2 years ago.

I was broughten out of my day dreaming or well thinking by my little Arielle yelling for me in a panic. "Mwmmy!!!!"
I look up and her sister is being pick up off the ground by some man. "Ainsleigh!"- yelled and ran and grabbed her from this mystery man.
"I am so sorry! I was just helping her up. I saw her fall from the monkey bars." - he said before he looked up at me.
"Logan?"- he asked in a confused tone.
"Justin." - i repeated with some manic lingering in my voice.
"Oh my god Log-" he was cut off.
"Mommy" my 2 year old Ainsleigh said.
"Mommy? What? When? How? Who?" it doesn't shock me thats he's confused.
"Umm i got go. Come on-"
"No you cant just leave like that! I havent seen you in two years! And we havent talked once!"
"Justin calm down. Please. You dont wanna cause seen."
"Mommy how is that?" A sweet little voice asked from behind me.
"My name is Justin whats your name?"
"My name is Arielle! And thats my twin sissy Ainsliegh!" Arielle replied as she pointed to her sister.
"Oh you guys have some pretty names! how old are you guys?"
"Were 2!" Ainsliegh replied for sister.
"Logan, where is there dad?"
hope you like it! picture of logan and justin on the side

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