Facing the facts.

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Justin's Point of View

"Justin face it, she's gone and its all your fault." - Ryan told me as i just starred of into face thinking of her. 

"You know when I fight with Emma, I just let her win, because i believe its better to lose the fight then to loser her." - Ryan just kept talking and talking. 

I got up and walked out. I cant listen to him trying to make me face the facts. I know shes gone. I understand. I just chose not to believe it. 

I miss her. 

And its all my fault. 

Logan's Point of View

He's gone. He just let me leave. I'm clearly not good enough for him. I loved him with all my heart and he broke me.

He broke me.

I've lost everything. He was my everything.

"I know him though, and I know his heart. And I know he wouldn't do to hurt me. But I didn't realize that I... I, feeling so confident, feeling so great about myself, and then i just be completely shattered by one thing. By something so stupid. But then you make me feel crazy. You make me feel like its my fault. I'm in pain."- I cried and yelled. 

He did it. He did what no ones ever been able to do. He broke me. The words he said just kept playing over and over again in my mind. 

"You'll never look like the girls in the magazines Logan! Face it and stop crying about it!'- He would yell. 

Why cant I just be somebody else? I use to be so strong. The world knew me as the girl know one can bring down. Now I don't even know who I am anymore. 

Everyone hates me now. The world hates me now. His fans hate me. My fans hate him. Im not the same. My fans can see it. Everyone can see it. 

God I miss him. 

And theres nothing I can do about it. 


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