Chapter 3: Butterflies and Shrines Mean Death

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Splicers, Big Daddies, Bots, they're all the same to me. Enemies of mine, and helpers of Lamb. That bitch's name states down on me from the walls, photos of the scientist and her daughter's eyes bore into my soul. Why did Ryan's tyranny lead to Lamb's? Fontaine, Frank Fontaine, the man who sponsored my childhood brainwashing. Sadness strikes my heart, songs of happiness, sunshine, and love. Those children know nothing of the real sun, and heartless cruel world this place now is.


5 Years Ago

The vent, or hidey-hole as the Little Sisters called them, led me to someone's room. It was large, bookcases the reached the ceiling encompassed the room, books or figurines sat on the shelves. I wanted to see the rest of the room, crawling out I saw an angel, which then flashed to a dead body. I needed ADAM so I guess I'll harvest here.

"In the house of upside down
Cellar's top floor, Attic's ground.
In the house of upside down
Laughing cries and smile's frown.
In the house of upside down
Found is lost and lost is found." singing to myself was one of the few ways I could keep my mind from realizing that the "Angel" I was harvesting from was a bloody, dead body.

"Look at her Estrella. I bet she doesn't realize how dirty and bad this place really is." That comment broke my mental wall and had me vomiting.

"ELEANOR!! How could you? Can't you see? Her father is dead, and she's trying to keep her mind from realizing how gross it is!" That voice... Where do I know it from? Wait, that's Estrella, the other girl I don't know.
"Estrella? Is that you? It's me Cynthia it's so good..." I felt vomit start to arise and had to stop my sentence, so my lunch so resurface. Looking at the small amount of ADAM I had, I decided to take it. My two realities smashed together and sent me spinning.
"Cynthia! Don't take that!" Estrella cried. "Estrella, can't you see? Mother can't save all of us. She needs to find a new protector." Eleanor seems to know what she says.
"Why can't I go home? I wanna go home!" wailing filled the room, my wailing, it seemed to attract the attention of Estrella's new Mommy.

"Oh dear, what is she doing in the library. With a dead body? Girls leave I'll take care of this," the blond woman ordered Estrella and Eleanor to leave, a command to which they obeyed,"Come now dear, we will find you a brand new protector." I later learned that this woman was Sofia Lamb. I never got a new Mr. Bubbles. I guess they didn't like me....

These number of Little Sisters is slowly decreasing. Thanks to another Big Sister and a Big Daddy. I guess in Rapture things can change... For the better. Still, I wonder how Estrella and Adalie are doing.

A/N: Woop Woop! I got you guys another chapter because I'm at home sick!! That's not a good thing. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry at how many flashbacks there are but next chapter I'm pretty sure won't have any. But tell me how you liked the story and vote, comment, do other stuff. Later! It's off to the couch and Xbox for me!

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