Chapter 6: Estrella is the North Star, Always There

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I finally did it! I got the suit, I ran away, and now! The time for my revenge has come! Now... what do I do now?? I just realized, that I never really gave this plan much thought.


Oh no... No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't fight a sister nonetheless a splicer! What do I do? What do I do? In a matter of seconds the Big Sister vaulted from the ceiling, landing in front of me, yet stumbling back a little on her landing. No Big Sister was as clumsy as the one that fell in front of Estrella. The Sister's porthole as glowing red, and upon what seemed to be recognition, a green slowly showed through.
"Do I know you?" Well that was a stupid question... Until the sounds of the helmet coming off the girl was heard.
"Estrella? Estrella, it's me Cynthia. Remember? When we first met? You wanted to braid my hair and play with dolls?" Her appearance was shocking, a pale narrow face with her eyes, ratty dark mud brown hair tied into a messy braid. Eyes that would never occur naturally, one was her regular golden brown, whereas, the other was a shocking yellow. She was never cured... She stopped drinking ADAM, why? She needs it to be a big sister...
"I know what you're thinking. I need ADAM don't I? Yes my head usually hurts like crazy, but I know what's good and bad now! I can see what you see!" She sounds so happy, but Cynthia doesn't know what I see...
"What are you doing down here Estrella? You do know of the splicers right? They'll eat you" Estrella stood there dumbfounded thinking on how her friend has changed.
"Oh... Umm sorry Cynthia! I was thinking about some stuff, lots on my mind right now!*laughs nervously* But how are you? I mean your Mr Bubbles, is he ok?" Stupid, stupid, stupid, stop asking these questions!
"Oh, he died a few weeks after we left the orphanage..." Cynthia looked down, eyes glazed with sadness.
"Then we're in the same boat."
"*laughs* What's a boat? I mean seriously?? We've never seen one, so how is it in a metaphor?*laughs harder*"
"I honestly don't know know that you brought it up!*laughing* Hey why don't we have a sleepover in one of the fancy hotels?"
"Totally! We can find chocolate, do each other's hair and stay up late gossiping or talking about random things as we don't have anyone to gossip about."
We both put our helmets on and left to the nearest hotel, it was easy to get to as most in Rapture feared us. Our plans went as we wanted, doing each other's hair, dressing up in fancy clothes we found, catching up on what happened while the other was away. Cynthia fell asleep first, more as passed out, too much soda and candy for her, and more for me. I watched her sleeping figure and questioned how she got in her state, without a protector for so long, her eyes separate, each seeing a different world fighting for control. My world went dark once my head touched the large feathery pillow.

My little girls, together again, how long it's been when I can watch the two of them together.
"Hehe... I see two of them, both sleepin' Fontaine might find use for em'."
I need to get rid of these intruders, both girls have too much to live for. Sleep sweetly little angels...

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