Chapter 2: Sister Cares

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Weeks, it's been weeks since Mr. Bubbles died. I've been lonely, wandering around a few feet outside of the hidey-hole or sleeping. My friends rarely visit as there are mostly Brutes roam Arcadia.
"Why won't Daddy wake up? Doesn't he know I need him?" My whimpers were loud compared to the empty hallway I currently sat in.




"NOO! The splicers are coming and Daddy isn't here!" I was wailing now, every splicer in Arcadia probably heard me. Scared, I ran until I entered a small storage closet. The room was dark and dusty, with spider webs in almost every corner.
"Wh-Wh-Where? Am? I?" I was out of breath, panting in between each word. The door slid open the light outside giving me only a large silhouette.
"Who are you?" Stupid me why did I ask that? They're just going to kill me now and I'm still asking stupid questions. The figure made a kind screech noise. It was a big sister, she walked over and game me some of her collected ADAM. This sent my head through a roller coaster. Smashing reality with the fairytale land I was brainwashed to believe was Rapture.

"You're a princess! Will you play with me?" She was beautiful, her golden dress with butterflies here and there, a tiara with a veil covering her face, lace gloves. How I yearned to be her, a beautiful princess everyone adored. I soon learned her name was Adalie.

"We will be best of friends.*Yawn* Can you teach me to become a princess too?*Yawn*" I slowly drifted off into sleep as she laid me in her lap, slowly striking my hair...

10 Years Later

"NOO! Let go of me! Daddy!" a child's scream snapped me out of my daydream. Its been years since I last saw my father, I encountered Estrella again sometime in between. We both lost our Fathers, I am now a Big Sister, a protector of the Little Sisters. There is one thing that separates myself from the other Big Sisters, I still have my sanity.

A/N: Hey, hey, hey! I know it's been forever but I finally got you guys a chapter! I know you guys probably hate me for not updating in a while. You can be as angry as you want so yup. Hope you enjoyed it. I will definitely have a new chapter this weekend. I'm no longer as busy so I have more time to focus on Wattpad. Later bros!

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