Chapter 5: Strange People, Places, and Feelings

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Why do all the people hate us? I guess it's how we are advertised to the public of Rapture. Evil creatures, ready to snatch away you little girl, and keep her for Lamb and Ryan. I wish to have a future where I'm not stuck doing someone's bidding, I want a life for myself, to love someone, grow old, and see the topside. I quickly shook my head, forgetting my thoughts and dreams I knew would most likely never come true. My steps were out if line, swinging out far where they skimmed across the top of puddles that lined the streets. The usual sounds filled Fort Frolic, a drip of water, a scream or shout of a splicer, gunshots, everything that none would ever hear before I was born. Except now, I heard music, not Sander Cohen's old music performed by his followers, but something different, it was new, never here in rapture.

(A/N: This is the song "Summertime" by My Chemical Romance)

When the lights go out
Will you take me with you
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I call home?

I walked closer to where the music was coming from, going down a long corridor and entering a plaza, looking around.

Something I can't know 'til now.
'Til you pick me off the ground
With a brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile,

Once I located the where the music was coming from, inside a bar. I cautiously entered the bar, I could tell that my helmet was a different color other than the normal green, yellow, red, or even blue.

Your scraped-up knees.
And if you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes.
How long?
'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want

The bar was a complete mess, cleaner than most, but still a mess. One of the many tables had chairs around them, some opened half empty cans of beans and half eaten slices of bread. While in the corner of the room was a band, a band of teenagers, people my age!

Terrified of what I'd be
As a kid from what I've seen
Every single day when people try
And put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
Turn my headphones up real loud
I don't think I need them now
'Cause you stopped the noise.

I carefully pulled a chair out and sat down, a spot where I hoped I wouldn't be seen. Until the music abruptly stopped, all other eyes on the room were on me, namely eight.
"Screech[Oh shit.]" I hate how they only hear screeches... Why not words?
"Mikey! Grab the guns! Frank! You guys! Move! We've got a Big Sister!" A red headed boy shouted to the others. Damn it, I need to move fast or do something! Take off the helmet or kill all of them. choose dang it choose! I didn't want to kill to as quickly as possible I unhooked the helmet from my suit. Wrenching it from my suit I dropped it and shouted over the commotion, "NO! Please stop! I'm not one of them! Please! I may look it but I'm human," my pleads seemed to get to one of them, his giant curly hair fanned out from his head making it look bigger than it actually is, the others gave me skeptical looks.
"Oh yeah? Well, how can we trust you? You're in one of those suits, you can kill us at any moment." The red head retorted, his hair was more of a bright red, like a rose, besides the point, the group forced me to change into an emerald dress and put my suit and weapons into another room.
"Okay so now can you please explain who you guys are?" My eyes went from each boy to the next.
"Fine, I'm Gerard," the cherry head pointed to himself,"that's Mikey, my brother," pointing to a dark brown haired boy who just nodded his head 'hi' to me,"poofy hair is Ray, blondie's Bob, and black hair is Frank." each said hi and waved to my warmly. It was nice to know people finally, though the tried to kill me, it was nice, and every passing moment a strange feeling in my stomach grew whenever I looked at him. Why do I feel like this? Am I sick? What's wrong with my stomach? too many questions ran about my head, I guess I zoned out of the conversation, as Ray and Mikey were waving their hands in my face.
"Hello? Earth to person! Earth to person!" Ray said as he wove his hands about frantically.
"Oh. Sorry about that I was thinking about some stuff."
"Okay, well now you know about us. We want to know about you, and how you found us." Gerard questioned, I think I heard venom in the last part of his sentence...
"Fine, my name is Cynthia Melrose. At least I believe that's what my last name is... I found you guys because I heard your song, and I liked listening to it. This is a stupid question but could you finish it? I'd like to hear how the rest of the song goes." that final question got a good reply of sure. So the boys took their spots in the corner of the room and started playing again from the beginning of the song.

And if you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes.
How long?
'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want

Well, anytime you want
Well, anytime you want

Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

'Cause if you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes.
How long?
Until we find our way in the dark and out of harm.
You can run away with me
You can write it on your arm
You can run away with me anytime you want

Slowly the song ended, and I was twirling around the room like a little girl in a princess dress. Losing myself in the world of music was an amazing thing, especially now in this hellhole. As I was floating around in my mind, clapping interrupted my fantasy. Much faster than it should have been, as I was in the Little Sister paradise, golden rooms with flowers everywhere. Now, my head was splitting, being torn from my younger self's world threw me painfully to the floor.
"DADDY!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" I screeched the only words on my mind until my entire world went black...



I feel terrible, I've stayed with the boys for about a week now. They've encountered the painful reality splits, enraged screaming that bring splicers into the area. Now I believe I've over stayed my welcome... I need to leave tonight, I don't care if I have what Ray calls a 'crush' on Gerard. I HAVE to leave, for their safety...

-------(TIME SKIP CUZ IM LAZY)------


My Big Sister suit was harder to get on than I remembered. Sneaking out took patience as each boy had their own quirk at night... It pisses me off. Walking through the bar took work, crawling over tables, attempting to not whack anything. I was outside looking back at the bar my port light blue, showing that I was mostly sad about leaving my small partial "family" but why was it so hard to leave now?
"Cynthia? What are you doing out here? And in your suit? Are you leaving us?" Gerard walked out of the bar looking tired and even more with his bedhead.
"Skreeeee...[Yes, I'm sorry....]"
"Well at least take your helmet off I want to see your face before you leave." He kept taking steps closer to me as he said each word, I could feel my fave heating up... Wait, what?!? Why do I feel this way? I need to leave now! Instead my body did the opposite and took my helmet off.
"I know I've been kind of a jerk this past week. And I'm sorry for it, I hope you can also forgive me..." he looked down at the ground once he was directly in front of me. My face felt like it was lava now, hot, searing, flesh burning lava.
"It's okay. I couldn't stay mad at any of you. You gave me a home and helped make me complete." I heard my voice crack and felt my eyes start to water. Damn it why was I getting even more emotional?
"Then hopefully you won't mind." he sounded happier now, and something crashed into my face. Oh my gosh, he's kissing me, Gerard is my first kiss. OHMYGOSH!! IJUSTHADMYFIRSTFLIPPINGKISS! I wished for this moment to last forever until I realized I had to leave.
"Gerard thank you... You were my first kiss... I'm sorry but I still have to go."
"Well, at least I was first!" He puffed his chest out with pride,"But come back for us ok? If you find a way out that is. Promise?"
"I promise. I would die if I had to get out." I held my hand out and extended it for a child's pinky promise. We shook on the deal, and bid each other good bye.



Going between Estrella and Cynthia is hard, as Cynthia wanders regularly. I noticed she took a liking to that boy she met, she even kissed him. I'm not sure on whether to feel happy or sad, as love couldn't possibly bloom underwater in a broken city of lights. Yet, I wonder would she be able to find love and make it out with her love?

A/N: Heyo!! What's up?? Idk really, but it took forever to write this namely two days. After when I promised, but I will try harder to meet my goal this week! Just know that all the dudes in the bar were based off of the My Chemical Romance band members. I don't own the people or the song so yeah! Laters! See you next time!

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