Chapter 7: Start

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The smaller girl led me through hallways, down empty alleys, crawling in my cage when a splicer appeared.
"Good job Sister! Dance with the pretty people!" Rosemary encouraged from her resting point as I fought repeatedly.
"Oh! That way Sister!" The little girl shouted pointing down a street until I saw the building I left my heart in...
It was the pub all again. Walking to the door I stepped in the sights of the disorderly establishment, tables toppled over, empty bean cans opened laying about. Everything's the same, I wonder if they'll remember me. No of course they'd remember me!
"Sister where are we going?" she grew impatient rocking the cage suspended on by back left and right. Of course, not being as tall or strong as the other Big Sisters, I was stumbling attempting to keep balance with each sudden movement of the cage. I threw of my helmet, and took the girl out of the cage holding her to eye level, saved or not she was a pain in the ass.
"Rosemary, stop it now." I sternly told the girl staring deep into her green eyes, now filled with shame.
"Yes, Sister. I'm sorry for what I did and hope you will forgive me." her green orbs downcast to avoid eye contact. Ruffling her hair I set her back in the cage as she wrapped her thin arms around my neck. Step by step I walked around the bar looking for my old friends hoping for their safety as terrible thoughts of what might have happened filled each step.
"Don't worry Sister! They couldn't have died! Everything will be fine."
I only hope her words are true, and that everyone is safe... I believed her words until I saw the pile of bodies. With a single blood covered audio diary, cautiously I kneeled down and picked up what might be the last memory of my friends.


(If you remember the boys names then good job! So each letter is their name and stuff I'm just too lazy)
M: Dude! It's on!
G: Ok! I get it Mikey! Well, hey Cynthia! We are making this for you because Lamb is sending splicers at us left and right. But everybody say hi! Then we're going to pass it around.
Everyone: *a mix of hi, hello, whatup, etc*
R: Hey Cynthia! How've you been? We wrote some new music! It's cool.
M: I got a unicorn toy the other day it's really cool. We also made waffles. Dang, they were good...
B: Stuff's boring and Gerard's been an ass. I want a cheeseburger right now.
G: Dude say something important!
B: I did asswipe.
G: Ughh. You are a pain.
F: ...
G: Frank. Say something.
F: Something.
G: Oh my god...
G: Well if you get this before we see you we left you a present in the kitchen so go get it!
Everyone: Bye!

Then the last of my friends ended. Stumbling to the kitchen with tears in my eyes, I can't let Rosemary see me like this... It won't do her any good.
Opening the kitchen door I saw a watertight metal container, I let Rosemary out of the cage and told her to find a snack before we continue our mission. My fingers fumbled over the locks to open the container, inside was none other than Mikey's unicorn, waffle mix, folded papers, two shirts of Gerard's including his red flannel, and a smaller parcel wrapped in newspaper. after inspecting each item Cynthia locked the container and attached it to her waist, making sure she won't lose any of her friends when, all of the sisters, hopefully return to the surface.


We've been boiling the water for a few minutes now, the temperature slowly rising, I fear for the Little Sisters even if they'll escape unscratched. Every little piece of their plan was working, until I noticed something went wrong. Eleanor, whom I only met, more as followed, once was standing in one of the glass hallways, paralyzed of what she looked at. In a blocked part of the hallway, in the direction Eleanor was staring into, something flashed a bright purple and then the explosion went off.

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