Chapter 4: Daddy Wouldn't Hurt a Fly

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Adonis Luxury Resort, lost the luxury when shit hit the fan. Fun though, have to keep the suit in the sauna with me though. Recently I had discovered no Splicers or Little Sisters in the area and decided to sit down and draw. Drawing was a pleasant past time to me, I found myself humming or singing along. Losing my mind in the sketch I was recently working on.

It seemed as though an hour had passed while I sat there up in the rafters. Sketching my heart away, until I realized what I mindlessly sketched. A Big Daddy... How? I don't know this one, I've never seen this Protector. I questioned how I was able to near perfectly replicate someone or something I had never seen before
[Daddy's been asleep a very long time...]
AGH! My head was sent spinning, why the hell does this happen to me? None of the other sisters seem to show this same stuff...
DELTA'S POV(Finally! A new POV right?)

What? Where am I? What happened? Where's Eleanor?

Fallen, Fallen is Babylon

Adonis Luxury Resort, I know where I am! Delta's heavy footsteps were the only sounds besides the continual drops of water. I walked up the stairs into a room with a large mostly drained pool. I felt weird, something seemed off, it took a while until I found the Electro Bolt Plasmid. Footsteps were behind me, too small to be splicers. Slowly I prepared my drill to hollow out my follower, turning around I saw a Little Sister...
"Daddy's been asleep for a very long time. Please find sister, she misses you so very much." Her yellow eyes seemed to be filled with happiness and love.
What was that?!? Splicers? It can't be! Some lean, helmeted figure jumped down and grabbed the Little Sister running off.
Who or what was that? I need to get that sister. I sprinted off, determined to save the Little Sister. She will not be taken, not like Eleanor, and not like Estrella.

I've been watching Cynthia ever since I left her as a Little Sister. Her kind heart is helping change this cruel Rapture. Estrella and Cynthia have so much in common, too bad they no longer see each other...

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