Chapter 1: Rapture New Years 1962

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 My mother partially considered my birth a New Years blessing. As my Father never wanted a child and my own Mother hates him. Though my mother was at the hospital, my Father was out drinking with other girls who weren't my Mother. This is what causes me to live with my Mother, my parents are divorced. Until my Mother started drinking, and that's where my story begins...


January 1, 1966

Cynthia's POV

Mommy left again, I think she won't come back until late. Anna, my babysitter left. Now I'm alone. THUD!

The front door to the apartment my Mother and I lived in was thrown open. I saw my Mothers frame as I scampered over to the door, a broken object in hand and arms covered in cloth

"Momma!" I squeaked happily my hands reaching up for a hug.

"You dumb brat, what are you doing awake?! You're supposed to be asleep!" My mother shouted, suddenly raising her hand and bringing it hard against my right cheek. My vision became blurred, a sign that my eyes were no doubt watering, I only saw my mothers eyes fill with shock and realization of what she did. They last thing I felt was my head coming in contact with the floor.


January 2, 1966

Cynthia's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open to a bright baby pink striped room. A room that is definitely not mine! my head screeched at me, frightened by my new surroundings.

Wandering around my new room I encountered lots of little girls, drawing on walls. We can do that? Without getting in trouble? my mind asked millions of questions on the girls. A strange red headed woman walked into the room wearing a purple dress. I stared at her cluelessly until she spoke to me, "Cynthia? Cynthia is it? I'm Rose! It's so nice to meet you! We are here to take care of you! Do you like you new dress?" The woman, Rose, fired question after question to me. Hearing the comment about my dress I looked down and noticed it wasn't my usual light pink dress, but a brand new emerald green dress.

"Where's mommy?" Was the first question to spill from my mouth.

"Mommy? No dear we are your family now. Come here and meet the other girls." she cooed. Motioning the girls drawing over.

"Hi! I'm Estrella! What's your name?" A girl wearing a red dress with a dash of the same color tying her brown hair into a ponytail.

"I'm Cynthia, it's nice to meet you."

" Come on Cynthia! I'll make your hair in pigtails! And we can play with dollies!" She squeaked dragging my hand over to a spot near the wall were a doll-house and dolls were laying. She will be a good friend...

2 Months Later

It's been a few months since I last saw Estrella... She braided my dark brown hair. I never take it out, unless Mr. Bubbles pulls on it to slow me down.


"Mr. Bubbles? Are you ok?" I leaned my head around the corner where the screech came from... No, Mr Bubbles.

"Mr. Bubbles? Mr. Bubbles? Wake up, its not sleepy time yet. MR. BUBBLES! WAKE UP! I NEED YOU! WAKE UP, wake up... wake up." My sobs were the only sound in Arcadia that night...

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