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Steven's P.O.V

The Diamonds were not happy at all.

"That gem is as good as dead!" Blue fumes, gritting her teeth furiously.

"She'll be ground to dust until not even a particle of her gem remains!" Yellow growls.

"Both of you calm yourselves! You're frightening our guests"  White orders.

I watch White try to get Blue and Yellow to collect themselves, actually feeling a bit of fear since I've never seen the two Diamonds get this mad before. Spinel and Peridot stand on both sides of me while the rest of the Crystal Gems stand behind us and in close proximity to one another. Whether that's due to the fact that they're still hesitant about being near the Diamonds or are getting a bit afraid of their behavior that's on display right now, I don't know. But, we arrived here minutes ago and had no problem getting an audience with the former tyrants. I think part of it was due to how 'popular' I've gotten around here, though I don't really like to think of myself in that way. Regardless, we got in the throne room and Blue was overjoyed to see me, nearly crushing me to death before Yellow intervened and forced us apart. Then, when White entered the room, I went on to explain the mission, since they assumed that I came to report on the completion of it. I went into great detail about it and the aftermath of my finishing thoughts is what's going on right now.

"I don't care, White! Jasper deserves to DIE!" Blue exclaims, angrily.

"She has to face the harshest of punishments, White" Yellow protests, "I can't accept anything less!".

"And I agree that the gem should be punished,"  White says, doing her best to lower the tension still building in the room,"But nothing will be solved if you two continue to act in the manner that you're currently acting in".

Blue huffs and pouts, folding her arms as Yellow crosses her arms as well. White sighs and turns her attention back towards us.

"My apologies for their behavior. They can get out of hand at times, but it really shows that they care about you, Steven"  White addresses, wringing her hands.

"It's fine, White" I tell her, "I understand".

"What was her reasoning, though, Steven?" Yellow asks, trying to control her temper.

"For doing what she did? Well, in her mind, Jasper thought that I came into a world that I didn't belong in and essentially took over everything just because I didn't like how it was compared with how I was used to living. She claimed that my desire to change things led me to make decisions for the gems of Homeworld when they didn't ask for my help or didn't even have a chance to say whether or not they wanted it/would be comfortable conforming with it. Jasper said it was a selfish act and that I was only thinking for myself and not for others, despite my actions being for others" I recall, trying to paraphrase what she said to me not that long ago.

"Ha! How narrow-minded could one gem possibly be?" Yellow scoffs, "Letting her past hate for you cloud her judgement and making her think that it's only your fault! I can't believe she was ever part of my court".

"I think it's time that she gets a piece of all of our minds" Blue frowns, clasping her hands together, "Steven, could you be a dear and bring Jasper out so that we can speak with her for ourselves?".

"You betcha" I nod, looking over to Spinel, "Spinel?".

My newer best friend nods and steps forward, walking a bit closer to the Diamonds. She then pops the bubble carrying Jasper's gem and the Diamonds watch as the gemstone clinks to the ground. Spinel then steps back as it glows white and an outline of Jasper begins to form. It's only seconds until Jasper reforms fully, coming out in a kneeling position in front of the Diamonds. And when she looks up and sees exactly who's looking down at her, Jasper's face falls the farthest it's ever fallen.

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