Other Friend

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Peridot's P.O.V

The internal joy I feel upon seeing him almost makes me jump off the roof, but I catch myself before that happens. Instead, I quickly hand over the binoculars to Lapis and hurry down the ladder, going as fast as I can without hurting myself. Once I hit the ground, I take off in a sprint, going right out the open barn doors and in direction of Steven. Though taller gems, and humans for that matter, are usually able to run faster than gems of my height, I don't let that stop me from speeding towards the one person I've missed more than anything. Steven certainly notices me coming and holds his arms out for the inevitable hug we're going to have, which I certify by hopping into his embrace. As I feel his arms around me, instant relief and relaxing satisfaction consumes me. Neither of us say anything in this joyous little moment and I don't think I could even if I tried. He lets it last for a decent smidge of time before releasing me/putting me down. I now have to tilt my head upwards to make eye contact with him, which in of itself is a little surprising, but humans are known for having growing periods during their early years, so I guess it's to be expected.

"....You're back" I manage to say, "Just like you said you would".

"Well, of course" Steven replies, smiling "I wasn't planning on breaking my promise, especially when it's with you, Peridot".

I feel special and extra happy when he says that, really liking how he subtly and indirectly just revealed that he still thought about me during his time away from Earth. I smile warmly, my hands clasped together in front of my chest. Then something comes back to mind, a promise that I told myself that I would do if he ever returned.

"Stay right there, I'll be right back" I say, my smile dropping and my mind focusing.

Before he can say anything, I do a complete 180 and head right back to the Barn, running inside quickly and hastily looking around for the injector  projector I kept lying around. Luckily, I find it under some spare parts for the tracker, grabbing it along with my tablet as I once again run towards Steven. Looking ahead, I see that Lapis has made it over, the two of them hugging and starting to talk. I pay that little attention, though, and when I get within reach of him, I stick Steven with the injector projector.

"Ow, Peridot!" He exclaims, holding his arm "What was that for?".

With my eyes glued to my tablet, I hold up a finger, telling him to wait, and begin running the necessary diagnostics. What I'll soon explain to him is that I just placed a longer-range tracking device inside him which better ensures a location on him that I can always count on. Since I have him in front of me now, it's important that I make sure that the tracker's working, even though I'm completely confident in my own expert technical crafting skills. Soon enough, the diagnostics complete and I have a clear signal of him, eliciting another sigh of relief from me. I then put the tablet down and meet Steven's questioning gaze.

"If you must know, I just placed within you a microscopic capsule which acts as a tracking device should you ever disappear on us or me ever again. Seeing as the larger model I constructed didn't do the job, I invented a smaller and more refined model that has a much higher chance of actually working" I explain.

"Uh huh" Steven answers, getting the basics of what I said "Ok, cool".

"So that's what you were working on all those nights in a row" Lapis comments, glancing down at the injector "I should've known".

"I just....don't want to lose you a second time" I say, looking back at Steven while my tone gets more personal "You mean too much to me and I absolutely refuse to let you vanish without having some way to find you".

"Aww, you're too kind, Peridot" Steven  grins, his voice softening as he gently pats me on the head, which does admittedly feel nice.

"U-Uh, Steven?" A new voice then speaks, a mix of fear and nervousness all but present "Is it safe to come out?"

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