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Peridot's P.O.V

From all my time on Earth, this view of the Sun rising is by far the most beautiful. I mean, yes there are multiple fascinating aspects to this planet, I've seen them personally. The sparkling streams, the endless fields of flowers, and even the shiny bits I sometimes find on the beach. It's all visually aspiring, but nothing compares to the sunrise. However, even this is still missing something. The one thing that would ultimately complete the experience for me.


The Diamond hybrid himself. He's grown on me more than I ever thought possible. It's thanks to him that I'm even still alive, amongst the many other things we've gone through. Steven's done a lot for me and the one thing I regret above all else is that I haven't really done anything to make it up to him. Lapis admitted similar thoughts a few Earth rotations ago, but I can't help but feel like I'm purposely holding back, though I have no intention of it. It's all very confusing for me, which is basically why I began watching these sunrises in the first place. A more relaxing and peaceful activity, if you will.

But still, as I finger the rough and bland engravings of the wooden roof, watching the orange circle slowly rise further and further, a sense of emptiness can't help but take center stage of my emotions. Sighing in a very exhaustive way, I rest my chin on my fists. This whole routine of mine began a few weeks after Steven ended the conflict between the Diamonds and Crystal Gems. I was very proud of my Pebble and I still am to this day. At the time, I was eager to finally spend some quality moments with him. All, if not most, of our time before was spent dealing with the Cluster and running from Homeworld. Steven was happy to spend time with me as well, but then he said something that cracked my gem in the non-literal sense.

"I'm leaving Earth for a while, Peridot. But don't worry, I'll be back soon, I promise"

He said that three years ago. I grew worried after he didn't contact me for a month, so much so that I worked day and night to make a device that could broadcast to the ends of the universe. It felt like an eternity had passed before I finished, but what's even worse was that I used the device multiple times and nothing worked. I retried and retried over and over, but couldn't find him. All I received was static. The rest of the Crystal Gems assumed the worst and feared that our cute little Steven would never be coming home. Not me though. They keep telling me to this day that I should move on, to stop trying, but I can't. At times such this, even though something in me thinks that they're right, I know at the end of the day my entire being is set on finding Steven.

I'd sooner be shattered than to stop searching for him.

"Peridot? Are you up there?" A familiar voice calls. I bite my lip and exhale with a tinge of frustration. Of course she'd know I'm here.

"Yes... I'm here, Lapis" I grumble, the water gem flying into view as I finish. She settles down net to me, her hands clasped together and her head hung low. Though Lapis doesn't admit it outright, I know she came to try and cheer me up. I'm truly grateful. Only her and that short Amethyst ever bother to take the time and effort to try and comfort me.

"Thinking about him again?" Lapis then asks, knowing fully well what I'll say. I can only grip the sides of my face and look down in sadness as my way of responding.

Besides myself, Lapis took Steven's absence pretty hard. After all, they're 'Beach Summer Fun Buddies', whatever the clod that means. Personally, I think the term 'My Pebble' is much better, but maybe that's just my emotions getting the better of me again.

"It just.... doesn't any easier, Lapis" I slowly admit. Lazuli nods and picks at her sweatpants awkwardly. I know she's having trouble saying anything supportive, which is very understandable considering the depth of how much all this has impacted us. However, I want to escape this tension that's now sitting all stiffly around us. So, I ease myself up and gaze down at the still sitting Lapis.

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