Here For You

856 17 39

Steven's P.O.V

I knew almost immediately that something had changed when I opened my eyes a handful of seconds ago. I don't know how I knew, like if my body could sense the difference in surface or not, but after I sat for a little bit, my suspicions were confirmed. And boy do I gotta thank Bismuth for the nice job she did!

I went to bed last night sleeping in a hay bundle on the main floor of the Barn, yet now I find myself on a bed very similar to my old one back at the Temple. Behind the bed is a circular window and beside the bed on both sides are end tables, one with a lamp and the other without. Looking up, I see the peaked structure of the Barn roof about seven feet above me, creating a very dimly lit atmosphere despite that previously mentioned window. On the right wall is what looks to be a closet, my change of clothes from a couple days ago and my clothes from my journey in space hung up inside. On the opposite wall is a dresser with a rectangular mirror above it. Glancing over the side of the bed, I see a polished floor that looks brand new, along with rectangular rugs on either side. In fact, I'd also guess that by how fresh the bed, closet, dresser, mirror, and window look that this was all made new or bought new. Knowing Bismuth, though, she'd prefer to make new ones by herself. Then, when I peer at the far end of my room, I notice a square hole cut into the floor with a ladder running down to the main floor, or up from the main floor depending on where you're standing. All in all, it's a perfect setup and I'm honestly amazed at how sweet it is. My guess is that either Lapis or Bismuth brought me up here when they were done, which is even more impressive since it was all done in one night without me hearing any noise. I might have to do Bismuth a couple favors or so to repay her for doing this.

I take it all in at my own leisurely pace and then get up when ready, anxious to start the day. It's been about two or three days since I arrived back and things have gone pretty slow, I'm not gonna lie, but after all the travelling I've done to different planets, and for how long I did it, it's a welcome change of pace. Makes me feel like I can relax without entirely slacking off or leaving things entirely up to Lapis and Peridot to handle. And I have pulled my weight around here too, even though neither of my fellow gem friends asked/requested it. Both of them have been really happy that I'm here, as in both in Beach City and in their 'home'. I've never seen them this joyful before, though I do realize that after having someone you missed/cared about back after it appeared that you'd never see again would do that to anyone and they made it more than clear that they feel that way towards me, Peridot especially.

Speaking of which, I hear some clanking noises downstairs, making me curious about what might be going on. So, I head over to my new dresser, change out of my pajamas and into my spare clothes, and walk over to the ladder. I climb down slowly and end up right in the center of the main floor, the noises sounding once again, but louder this time. This, along with some flashes of movement in my peripheral vision, makes me turn and walk around the ladder, seeing exactly what's unfolding. Peridot's lit a fire, similar to one that you'd roast s'mores over, and is using her metal controlling powers to levitate a pan over said fire while she's combing through what appears to be a recipe book. Given how frantic she flips through the pages, she must be in a hurry, though I'm not quite sure why.

"Grrrh!" Peridot grunts in frustration, "These clods and their overly-complicated instructions!".

She eventually just throws the book to the side after trying for a few more minutes to understand what she's reading and has the pan float over so that it's hovering in front of her. With a hand on her chin, Peridot squints at whatever's inside quite quizzically. I, on the other hand, feel awkward having stood here for as long as I already have and decide to make my presence known, also partly because I think I might be able to help her.

"Good morning, Peridot" I say.

This, unfortunately, startles her, making Peridot lose her concentration and drop the pan to the ground. She jumps slightly before turning and noticing me, showing brief relief for a second that quickly goes back to panic when she glances down at the pan. Walking over, I pick up the pan and look to see raw eggs sloshing around inside. I have somewhat of an idea what she's doing, but am still not a hundred percent sure if it's correct. Peridot then comes over and snatches the pan from me, returning it to it's spot over the fire with her powers back in focus. I'm about to ask her what she's doing, but I decide to wait and see since I don't want to mess anything up by disrupting her concentration again. In the span of a couple minutes, Peridot scurries around the fire, peering into the pan at one moment, sprinkling a spice in the next, and chopping at what's inside last. Finally, she draws the pan back and brings it back over to me. When she hands it over, I see a fairly well done dish of scrambled eggs with pepper mixed into them.

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