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Steven's P.O.V

"Could you bring that ingot over here, please?" Bismuth asks from over at her spot, "Use the tongs, but be careful. It's really hot and can burn you in seconds if it touches your skin".

"Don't worry about me, Bismuth" I assure her, grabbing the glowing hot cylinder, "I've learned how to handle dangerous things long before it came to me helping you in the Forge".

"Well, I don't want my good buddy to get burn scars on him. Pearl would never let me hear the end of it" Bismuth admits, muttering that last part to herself as she morphed her hand into a hammer shape.

I then bring the freshly hot piece of metal over and set it on the surface in front of Bismuth, afterwards stepping back and watching as Bismuth begins what she's known for doing best, crafting and shaping. In truth, she and I have been in here for who knows how long, just shooting the breeze and saying whatever came to our minds at the moment. I've honestly been enjoying myself quite a bit hanging out with Bismuth, especially since it gives her the chance to tell me about everything that's gone on with her and the Gems while I was off-world. And I find it very helpful because I haven't heard anything of the such coming from the Gems or even Peridot, though maybe it's just because she's been too wrapped up in spending time with me at the Barn to really see the reason to bring up in the first place. I've explained and told my side of the story numerous times already and even I don't want to hear myself speak of it anymore, but the Gem's story that spans the years I was gone has only been given in vague fragments up to this point in time. At least now I get some...closure, I guess you could say. Peace of mind, maybe, I don't know for sure.

"So how are things with you and those two troublemakers in that barn?" Bismuth jokingly asks, hammering away.

"They like having me around and I think both of them were happy with my decision of coming to live with them" I say, my words coming straight from my head with no filter, "I just hope that I didn't upset Pearl, Garnet, or Amethyst by agreeing to do it. I don't like making people sad".

"Well, I'll tell you this, little man" Bismuth begins, the glowing shape now in the form of an ax, "Being someone that was around them for many, many years during the war with the Diamonds/Homeworld, long before you came along, I can say that I know how the Crystal Gems are when it comes to one of their own leaving. Now, what you did wasn't really leaving in the sense that you didn't want to be a part of the Crystal Gems anymore, but my point is that they still do miss having you around. They do love that you're back home, but since you barely come around the Temple anymore, those three still feel a bit lonely. I'm not saying you're neglecting them, because I know that humans at a certain age are considered to be ones that are more 'solo' and 'on their own', and the Gems know that too, but it couldn't hurt to pop by every so often and maybe go out to dinner with them or something. Whatever it is that you'd think they'd enjoy doing together with you".

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea" I say out loud, speaking more to myself than to Bismuth. Bismuth herself smiles and goes to dip the raw metal into the cooling solution.

"But, if I may, can I ask you something?" I politely inquire, "Did you tell Lapis and Peridot that you needed my help as an excuse to have us spend time together to talk about things?".

"Mmmm, partially" The builder gem shrugs, "I really did need your help with making all these weapons, but since there's no desperate need for how many we made all together, I thought that it would be a subtle lead-in to having us talk about what's bothering us. And, trust me, I'm not Blue Diamond and I can't sense other people's emotions like she can, but I know how to read a person and figure out what they're feeling. It's a skill I developed during the war I previously mentioned with the Diamonds and it still hasn't failed me yet, because looking at you at that table with those two gems made something clear as day to me: you have doubts about your feelings".

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