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Peridot's P.O.V

We ended up doing exactly what I suggested, Steven looking like he was wanting as many kisses as I could possibly give him. And I certainly gave them to him. It's like a whole new side of me has been unlocked since we started being with each other in a lovingly romantic sense. We went straight to his room once we got back to the Barn and spent hours kissing, cuddling, and simply talking on his bed. It was by far the best experience I had had up to that point with him. At least until Lapis found us when we were still kissing each other. She ended up walking right in, apparently having heard the noise Steven and I were making, and was shocked to see what was happening. But, then her behavior took a complete 180 and she smiled, rushing out of the Barn and out to the Warp Pad, as I could tell from watching her from Steven's bedroom window. I wondered if she was going to bring the Gems here so that they could see what was happening too, but I was still too much in love to care, brushing it aside and leaning back down to resume the kissing.

Lazuli indeed returned and just as I expected, she brought the rest of the Crystal Gems with her, even the newcomer Spinel. She was quick about it too, coming back when Steven and I were still in deep lip lock with one another. I saw them coming, though, since they were all speed walking our way, so I pulled back and informed Steven, not wanting them to barge in and ruin the moment. Steven still held me in his arms and told me to relax, saying that the moment can still last in a different way. And with the way I was laying on top of him, me laying sideways with my face against his chest, I agreed with him that the moment was still going good. The Gems did make their way inside, but when each of them came into Steven's room, they looked very happy for us. Spinel especially since she described the situation as 'cute' and 'adorable'. If she was directly referring to me, though, I'd have to correct her.

Nobody gets to call me cute except for Steven and he knows why.

The Gems eventually left, though, and the day fizzled out rather quickly, dinner time coming and going and night time settling in right after. We all spent plenty of time together during that whole long stretch, but my thoughts were disconnected and floating around in my head, which made everything go by in a blur. It was easy enough for me since gems aren't known for being high maintenance kinds of beings, but Steven still needed food and was able to get dinner with Lapis' help. I then found myself going up to Steven's room with him and soon enough, ending up right back on his bed. Since I enjoyed it very much, I asked him if I could sleep here now and he was plenty happy to allow as much. He said that now it's 'our' bed, not just 'his' bed. We had already done a lot of talking earlier and Steven looked pretty worn out by all that had gone on today, so he was first to go to sleep. That left me to follow him and go to sleep next.

But I didn't.

I don't know why, but I just wasn't tired and it didn't have anything to do with the fact that gems don't need sleep. My mind just couldn't settle and was thinking of all these different things. It's amazing how so many new opportunities and possibilities arise when two people begin to see each other romantically. I stayed stuck thinking of all these new chances and ideas, mulling them over and being unable to sleep. Steven looked plenty peaceful, though, and I dared not to wake him. I'm not sure how long I stayed in bed, but after what I felt was "a while", I decided that it would be best if I got up and walked around a bit. Maybe that would get me calmed down and help me to sleep. Because it's technically the first night that Steven and I will sleep together as a couple and that's something special. I just needed to get there first.

So, I carefully ease myself up and lightly step onto the wooden floor, tip-toeing my way to the ladder leading down from Steven's room and watching him as I lower myself down bit by bit. It's nearly pitch black downstairs, due to there being no light left on by myself or Lazuli, the latter asleep in her hammock when I reach the ground floor. But I know this place well enough by now to have memorized where everything is so I don't trip over, bump, or run into anything. Given that, I maneuver my way to the space near the now closed barn doors. The area is plenty big enough to permit me room to move around and mentally think things through. And upon realizing that, my mind goes into overdrive, thoughts popping up about whether I should research how human relationships tend to function and also how to ensure that they last. It might prove difficult since I'm not human, but understanding the basics can at least give me an idea to work with and adapt to better suit my needs. Personal and private intimacy will more than likely have to be included in this search as well, if our time in bed today was any indication. There'll probably be more and more of that in the near and distant future, along with taking things up a notch and doing even more passionate acts with each other. And if I'm to be "the best girlfriend ever", I'll need to learn how best to make Steven happy, whether through affection or other means. Besides, adding new elements to our new relationship can make both of our lives even more exciting.

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