Chapter 7

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Ms. Stevens' POV

I can't read Shiranda. I can't read her at all. One moment, she's all happy and excited and clinging to me, then the next she's telling me not to get my hopes up.

In my opinion, I think she's really standoffish. I don't think she's bitchy or anything. I just think she does her own thing and doesn't care what people think.

I may have looked too much into things, considering her standoffish personality.

But it's so crazy how her personality can contrast. She can be a cute little baby, then be indifferent and to herself.

The only reason I care about it is because we have to be around each other more than people would think, and I really just don't want any issues.


Shiranda's POV

It's been about a week since the four of us went to the fair. It's a Saturday, and I'm chillin' on the couch in my pajamas, eating popcorn and watching lesbian shows.

There's a sudden knock on the door and I frown. Who the fuck could that be?

Deena's gone on a date with Terry (RIP Shayla), and I'm not expecting anyone.

I do NOT like being interrupted while I'm chillin', especially on a Saturday, so whoever this is better be worth the time.

Shit, I hate getting up. Despite my hatred, I lazily go over to the door and open it.

"What do you wan- Ms. Stevens?" I say with a confused expression. "Hello, Shiranda."

"Uh, Deena's not here." "I know. She's on a date with Terry. They're out skateboarding."

"So then why are you here? I mean, not to be rude or anything, but it's just unusual to see my teacher on a Saturday without my sister being present. I'm legit home alone. You know, Macaulay Culkin type shit."

She smiles. I notice that she's in one of her suits, something she's infamous for for doing at school, and she's carrying materials and shit in her hands.

The fuck is she.......

"Can I come in?" "Uh, I guess so?"

I just thought about this, but can I cuss in front of my teacher outside of school?

Hell, she came to me while I was in the comfort of my own home, so fuck it.

I let her in. "What are you watching?" "The L Word. I'm watching it on Hulu since those fuckers at Netflix took it off. Hulu is way better anyway."

"Well, prepare to turn off the TV, because we got some work to do." "¿Cómo?"

"I'm here to do interactive tutoring with you."


"Ma'am, you did not just interrupt my Saturday watching my lesbian shows to do some damn tutoring. I know you did not just do that."

"Yes, I did." I walk over to the door and open it, gesturing out of it. "The door."

"Come on, Shiranda. It won't be so bad." "Is it gonna be showing a lesbian having an orgasm? Cuz, y'know, I was gonna watch The Feels next. Andi is smokin' hot."

"Uh, no, although that does sound more fun. It will help boost your grade, though, if you retain it and take advantage of it."

"Ok, so like, can I just eat your pussy or something as a bribe to not do this? I was kinda enjoying my weekend from school instead of having it brought to me."

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