Chapter 26

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Shiranda's POV

   School is back in, and I'm honestly so done with Ms. Stevens' shit.  I don't know who the fuck she thinks she is, but how dare she treat me like her sex slave?

That shit pissed me off even more than before.  I'm walking to her stupid ass class now, Kiera clinging onto my arm.

"Bye, Sexy."  "Bye, Super."  She kisses me, me kissing back.  She walks away, and I start walking towards the classroom.

I glare at Ms. Stevens as I walk through the door, her looking back at me.  I know she saw me kiss Kiera.  She must be pissed.

Now you get to see how it feels to be pissed off.

I sit in my seat, not wanting to be in this dumb ass class today.  You know what, I'm not doin' shit today in this class, and if she has a problem with that, she can suck my clit.


"Shiranda, please get out your utensils for the assignment."  Ms. Stevens says.  "Fuck off, Ms. Stevens."  I casually say, my arms folded over my chest.

"Ooooooooooooooo."  The class erupts.

She walks over to stand in front of my desk.  "Excuse me?  What did you say?"  I lean forward in my desk.  "I said.  Fuck off."

"That's it.  You have detention for the next three days, starting today."  She takes her salty ass back over to her desk and sits down.

To be fair, she had it comin'.


The bell rings, and I stay in my seat.  Everyone else floods out of the classroom.

She angrily walks over to me.  "What the hell, Shiranda?  You're disrespecting me at school now?"  She says, a blatant frown on her face.

"Is what I said respectful?"  "Hell no."  "Then there you fucking go.  Honestly, Ms. Stevens, as a teacher, you're supposed to be smart, but you seem to keep asking me dumb ass questions."

She slams her hands on my desk hard, making me blink a little.  "You.  Make me.  So mad."

"Oh yeah?  Well you do, too."  "Shut the fuck up."  Before I know what's happening, her hands swiftly take my face in them, her lips crashing against mine.

I try to push her away, but she won't stop until I kiss her back.  As if I have no control over my body, I kiss back.

The kiss is filled with tongue, passion, and fire, and holy hell, I like it.

Her hand grips my neck and slightly squeezes, making me moan into the kiss.

When she pulls away, she leans back up, looking down at me.

Holy shit, my teacher kissed me again.  Sober.

Adoring Ms. StevensWhere stories live. Discover now