Chapter 43

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Shiranda's POV

   I'm so fucking awkward.  I was obviously lying about going to do homework.  I do it all at school.

I REALLY need to stop having daydreams about her, especially in front of her.


Ms. Stevens' POV

A moan escapes from me as I'm sleeping.  I don't know if I'm crazy or not, but it feels like someone is grinding on me.

I'm not really sure if I'm dreaming, but this shit feels so good.  The grinding speeds up, causing my breath to hitch.

As the grinding continues, a loud moan fills the room, but it's not from me.

The grinding stops.  Jesus, I almost had an orgasm.


I wake up, slowly opening my eyes.  I rub them, my vision focusing.  Immediately, I notice that Shiranda is laying ON TOP OF ME, straddling me.

I gotta get her off of me.  But at the same time, it feels good to have her on me.

I look at her face, and it's apparent that she's still sleeping.  Did she...... Did she grind on me in her sleep?

I try to ease my way from under her without waking her up, but she won't budge.

Her face ends up buried in the crook of my neck.  Is this what it's like to sleep with a girlfriend?

I can't lie, it's kinda cute......

Her scent fills my nose.  She smells nice, like some really good masculine body wash.

I just realized that her breasts are pushed up against my chest, and it's making me kind of flustered.

For Christ's sake, this is your student.

My brain is right.  Just as I'm about to try to move her off of me, she yawns.  She sits up and stretches, her eyes still closed.

She rubs her eyes before they slowly open.  Almost immediately, there's an alarmed look on her face, her eyes growing bigger at the realization of how she's positioned on me.

"HOLY SHIT!,"  She exclaims.  She quickly hops off of me.  "I am SO sorry!  I-I didn't know that I was doing that."

If she thinks that's bad.......

I'm not gonna tell her that she sleepgrinded on me.  She'd have a heart attack.

"Uh, it's no big deal.  How'd you sleep?"  "I slept.  So good.  I feel amazing,"  Probably because you had an orgasm.  "What about you?"

"It was, uh, interesting, to say the least."  "What does that mean?"  She says, inquisitively tilting her head.

"I, um, had this really weird dream, but I don't want to get into it."  "Oh, ok.  Welp, we gotta get ready for school."


It's my first class of the day, and I'm trying my best to teach, but my mind keeps getting distracted.

All I can think about is Shiranda grinding on me this morning, and also the fact that she was laying on top of me.

It was comforting.  It felt nice to sleep with her.  It felt.......intimate.  And the fact that I'm even saying all this is a bad thing.  A very bad thing.

I can't feel such things for her.  It's like no matter what, something always draws me into her somehow.  And I know I should distance myself from her, especially at this point, but I.....simply don't want to.

And I don't know why it's like this.  I don't know why I can't stay away from her.  I don't know why I feel certain things.  I hate not knowing.


The school day is over now, and I've dropped Shiranda off at my house.  She wanted to know where I was going, but I couldn't really give her an answer because I really don't even know.  I just needed to get away.

I'm just walking around, when I hear a voice shout my name.  "Aurora!  Aurora, OMG, is that you?!"

I turn to face the direction of the voice, seeing a woman crossing the street with bags in her hands.

When she comes closer into view, her face seems very familiar actually.

She's in front of me now, and I fully recognize her.  "Remember me, Aurora?"  She says, wearing a very bright smile.

"Oh my God, Morgan, is that you?"  I say, lighting up a bit.  "Yes!  Oh my God, it's been so long since we've seen each other."

We hug.  "How've you been?" 

Morgan is an old friend of mine from elementary days.  I moved away after high school, and I haven't seen her since.  She looks great, though.  Life must've been treating her well.

"I've been great.  I would love to catch up right here, right now, but we should do it over lunch."

"Sure beans."  "Come on.  Follow me."  We walk over to her car and put her bags away.


We're seated at a really cute restaurant.  "What do you do now?"  Morgan questions.

"I'm an Econ teacher at a high school."  "Oh, that's so gooood!"  "What about you?"

"I own my own business.  I sell things like bows, decor, knickknacks and whatnot."

"Oh wow, that's amazing."  "My business is very successful.  I sale thousands of products each day."

"Still married to that guy?  What was his name?  Uuuhhhhhh, Richie, right?"

"Richie and I are no longer a thing.  We haven't been a thing in years.  I should've known something was gonna happen when I married young.  But, um, I'm actually a lesbian now.  I came out of the closet."

"Really?  That's great,"  I smile.  "I know that's something you've always had a rough time dealing with."

"I was so in denial for so many years.  I had a feeling it was always there, but I always tried not to pay attention to it.  So much so that I forced myself to marry someone I didn't love."

"I can't imagine living life like that, but at least you've found yourself now, and you seem happy."

"I am.  Any wife for you?  I don't see a ring on your finger."  She playfully smiles.

"Oh, no.  Not at all.  I'm as single as a Pringle that's been left under the fridge for three years.  The last time I had a girlfriend was, like, five years ago."

We continue to talk, catching up with each other and just talking about different topics.


I finally step through my door, being met by Shiranda.  Her arms are folded across her chest, and she doesn't look too happy.

"Where were you?  I've been waiting for you for hours."  She says with puppy dog eyes.  It's kinda cute.

Wait a minute.......  Did she miss me?

"I ended up meeting an old friend today.  We ate lunch and talked.  Y'know, caught up with each other."

"Oh."  "Did you miss me or something?"

She breaks out into a cold sweat.  "N-N-N-No.  I-I'm just used to your presence, that's all."

"Oh, ok.  Well I'm here now.  What do you want to do?"  "Can you watch TV with me, please?"

"Of course."  We sit on the couch.  I find something for us to watch, and she snuggles up to me.

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