Chapter 16

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Shiranda's POV

   "Ms. Stevens."  I say in a petty tone as I'm walking into her class, her standing by the doorway. 

"Shiranda."  She replies in the same tone.  Why the fuck you gotta be as petty as me?

I'm the only one here right now, sitting in my seat, and the silence is swallowing me whole and eating me up.

My fingers tap my desk as I look at the front of the classroom, an angry expression on my face, trying not to look at her.

This is gonna be a fun class period.


"Shiranda, did you throw that pen?"  Ms. Stevens asks me.  "What? No."  I respond with a frown.  "Stay after class."

What the fuck, yo?  My fucking pen fell out of my hand, and she asks me if I threw it and tells me to stay after?  Uuuuurrrrrggghh!


The bell rings, and I stay in my seat.  Seems to me like Ms. Stevens is having an early midlife crisis, so I'm not gonna piss her off even more by not staying.  I still pack my stuff, though, because as soon as we're finished here, I'm out.

She gets up from her chair and leans on her desk, arms folded across her chest.

Fuck you for looking good in that suit.  Bitch.

"Ms. Stevens, I'm gonna say this in the most polite way I can, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"We have some things to talk about, Ms. Williams."  "As in?"  She steps towards my desk and leans on it, making my eyes look up into hers.

"What's up with the "lips" thing?  Why were you acting like I didn't exist?  What were you talking about when you wanted to stay behind and talk to me?"  She says sharply.

Woooowwwww, so she really wants to get down to business.

She's looking down at me, a brow arched as she's expecting me to answer.  Unfortunately for her, I'm a tough titty to suck.

"LOL, Ms. Stevens.  I don't have to answer any of that."  I say, leaning back in my seat with my arms folded over my chest, smirking at her.

She rolls her eyes.  "Don't make me have to threaten you with detention."  "Aaaawwww, detention?  Boohoo.  I'm not scared of you."

She slams her hands on my desk.  "Why the hell are you so difficult?"  Hmm, maybe I can throw her off with a compliment.

"You look hot right now, Ms. Stevens."  I say, a smirkish smile growing wider on my face.

I mean, I wasn't lying.  She actually does look super fucking hot right now.

She blinks quickly, obviously getting caught off guard.  "Answer the questions."

Maybe I can play around with this.  See if I can pull her tail.  "And what are you expecting to hear?  That I'm attracted to you or something?"  I reply, looking at my fingers like I'm checking out a manicure.

She leans back up, her hand on the back of her neck as her eyes avert.  "No."

"Can I go now?  I kinda have a house to get to.  My bed's got my name written all over it."

She leans back on my desk, arms folded like before.  "No.  Stop playing games with me."

"You know I can just leave, right?"  "You know I know you won't, though, right?"

Got me there.

"Ms. Stevens, you're seeming a little desperate, ma'am."  "Why do I have to pull teeth to get you to talk to me?"

"Why do you want to pull teeth to get me to talk to you?"  "You can't answer a question with a question."

"You can't seem to leave me alone."  "New girlfriend?"  She says, deliberately smirking at me.

I frown.  "The hell are you talking about?"  "Now you're the one asking questions."

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about."  "Well, since I'm a little bit more generous than you, I'll have you know, I saw a post Kiera made on Instagram, calling you her "baby"."  She says, making quotation marks with her fingers.

"Well, she's not my girlfriend, and I can't control what she posts.  Honestly don't see why you care.  It's none of your business.  Jealous much?"

"That isn't what you're here for."  "You brought it up.  But since you're dying for me to answer your questions, I'll give you what you want."

She sits down in the seat next to me, hands clasped together as her elbows are on her knees, completely focused on me.

"I'm listening."  My eyes take a moment to just admire her.  Her dreads are down her back, covering the sides of her face.

Fucking beautiful bitch.

I blink a little bit, snapping myself back to reality.  I look down and sigh.  "I told you you have nice lips because....because I look at them a lot, and if you really haven't noticed, I'm an awkward potato, so that shit slipped out.  Ok?  I look at you.  I avoided you because of what I'm about to tell you next......."

"Continue."  I feel my anxiety closing in, and it's making my chest tight.  "Remember when you and Deena hotboxed our living room?"

"All I remember is that we did it, yeah."  "Well, uh......."  I'm trying to form the words, but they just won't come out.  My heart is hammering against my chest, and I'm trying to hold back my tears.  I hate shit like this.  "You......You.......You kissed me, and I kissed you back."

I look at her face, taking it in.  She truly looks shocked.  "The only reason I avoided you was because you didn't remember it, and I didn't want to look stupid again."

"Oh my God, Shiranda, I'm SO sorry I did that.  I-I didn't know that I did that."  She says, immediately and sincerely apologizing.

I sigh.  Fuck, now she's apologizing for something that....I really don't want her to apologize for.

"Aurora, it's really not the fact that you kissed me.  It's the fact that you didn't remember, because honestly......I liked it."  I say, directly looking into her eyes, not knowing how she's gonna respond.

"You......You liked it?"  I look down, fiddling with my fingers.  "Y-Yeah.  I did."

She leans back in her seat and sighs as her eyes are closed, hands latched together behind her head.

I knew I shouldn't have told her. 

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